The Uniqueness of My Life and the Power of Non-Duality

The two come together: the uniqueness of my life and the power of non-duality.
The uniqueness of my life is the present moment. Leaving all residue of a previous movement of my life’s energy in the form of memory and conditioning, I find myself afresh in this NOW.
In a dark room I light a match and swirl my outstretched arm in front of me describing a large circle with the flame of the match. The fact is the burning wood of the match. It is at one single point of the circle at any given time. However, the eye sees a complete circle of fire. One could say that the circle is an illusion, created by the eye holding on to the impression of the path of the flame through space in the dark room.

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Living Love: Day Seven – Natural Courage

Living LoveOn this Day Seventh of My 23 Days of Love Meditation I reflect on the word “Courage”.

I have often contemplated why it is that those who act courageously in a situation always say that they just did what came naturally, without thinking.

This is today’s verse by Omnipresent Love

7. Courage comes naturally to one who loves

Simply said, and each of us can easily sense that this is our reality. When I love, when I am connected to that energy field we call Love, I no longer act out through my limited “local-self”. I am then held by the energy arms of the greater One.
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Living Love: Day Six – Eternal Energy Essence of Love

Living LoveWow! These Days of Living Love are certainly intense! There is so much energy starting to electrify between those accompanying me on these 23 Days! We are beginning to spiral together into a deeper connection with the primordial energy (and beyond). Thank you all for this gift we are making to ourselves.

I read the verse for today before sleeping and first thing before getting out of bed. Maybe something percolates during the night?
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Living Love: Day Five – Illusion and Confusion – B4Peace

Living LoveEach of these five days of 23 days of Living Love has been unique. I went to bed after reading the next verse:

5. Love is the eternal sun shining beyond the clouds of human illusion and confusion

Upon reading this verse I immediately had the image of all different shapes of pasta that one finds on a grocery store shelf. Of course they appear to be many but in reality are all forms of flour. Even further, they are all forms of wheat.
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Seeing with Naked Awareness

Thanks to Eloratea for showing this to me:

Meditation on Mind

cloud boats small“Appearances are not erroneous in themselves, but because of your grasping at them, errors come into existence.

But if you know that these thoughts only grasp at things which are mind, then they will be liberated by themselves.


Everything that appears is but a manifestation of mind.

Even though the entire external inanimate universe appears to you, it is but a manifestation of mind.
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Living Love: Day Four – Pain and Homesick

Living LoveDay Four the 23 days of Living Love started out peacefully. Standing on the lawn just at dawn I bend down to my feet in a deep exhalation and there, right between my feet on the wet grass (it had rained most of the night) a beautiful earthworm greets me. It is all shiny and almost pink, wriggling its way through the grass. I paid attention not to step on it while doing my movements. Now, at 7 pm it is still a very relaxed Sunday. My Verse for today:

4. A soul in pain is homesick for Love
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Living Love: Day Three – Lens of Perception

Living LoveThis is Day Three the 23 days of Living Love. Again I read the verse for today before sleeping and read it again first thing before rising this morning:

3. The lens of perception is cleansed by love
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Living Love: Day Two – Innocence

Living LoveOn this Day Two the 23 days of Living Love I followed my lead of yesterday and before I turned off the light last night I read Verse Two, reading it again first thing before rising this morning:

Love is innocence. Love yourself unconditionally and return to innocence.”
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Living Love: Day One – Out of the Ego

Living Love I began the 23 days of Living Love before I turned off the light last night by reading the first verse: 1. Love is an out of the ego experience  Upon waking I grabbed my sheet and read it again and then got up. Here are some of my reflections on this living meditation on love: I am living in Love only when the ego quality is put aside. I don’t see ego as a noun, as an entity or any thing. For me ego is a verb, a certain way of thinking accompanied by certain feelings. Continue reading