I Could Get Used to This…


I had one of those exceptional dreams a while ago – the kind that when you “wake up” you realize that the dream was a real as where you are now.
And hearing the view recently that the dream quality of experience is how emotions manifest into a dimension of their own (some call it the 4th dimension) – I let my senses linger with this particular dream vision/experience a few times during the day so as to let the quality solidify itself more deeply into the cells of my psycho-somatic organism.

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Into Thin Air

thin air davegoldman.net

thin air davegoldman.net

Artwork Images Copyright Dave Goldman

We interface into this world out of nothing

Like a hand into the glove

We fit inside it like we were made for it

Made of it and we are but

We come from somewhere else

That is not this world Continue reading

Dear Female Energy – Marco Missinato

Female Energy

Dear Female Energy,

You are the Essence of all that Exist,
Every single living form comes from your motherly energy

I feel from the deepest of my heart the immense pain and the suffering you have been through.

It was the silly and desperate attempt of the male energy to control you and dominate humanity.

The attempt could not be successful as nothing can survive without your Love, without your Presence

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A New Day, A New Gift…


by Marco Missinato


A new day, a new gift…

Those out there in the other realms have no clue
Of the deliciousness of being on Earth,

Feeling the contrast and the low densities
And still choosing Love and Gratitude

Feeling the intensity of the severe separations
And still choosing Peace and Oneness

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dreamstimefree_leaves on bark small size


Unfolding of hidden treasures while inwardly breath quakes

This untold sensation of revelation finer than the firing of synapses, finest spray of sparks illuminating being

My inner human tongue forms language like the earthworm the soil

I break open and speak the sounds of the cosmos to itself, standing face to face with a friend, a fellow worm
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Sukhasana, the Asana of Happiness – Ramana


Ramana Marahshi on asanas:

Questioner: But hatha yoga is so much spoken of as an aid.

Ramana’s Answer: Yes. Even great pandits well versed in the vedanta continue the practice of it. Otherwise their minds will not subside. So you may say it is useful for those who cannot otherwise still the mind.
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The Wisdom of Winnie-The-Pooh with Piglet

This came into my Facebook today. It says so much about our “word-life”, which has become an artificial space we move about in and rarely stop to let all the words and ideas about things just settle to rest. Then we can feel so much, starting with physical things like our breath and the light around us or sounds nearby. Pooh Bear once again catches us by surprise with his response to Piglet’s question – a response worthy of the master in the art of simply living that he is.

(Thanks to Yoga Shivoham for this.)

piglet and pooh love