


Can I ask myself what it is that I really know? Am I open to radically changing the way I think, feel and act? This blog pursues these questions and reflects where this ongoing exploration into consciousness and into my original nature leads me.


The vicāra ‘who am I?’ is an investigation, examination or scrutiny of our fundamental consciousness ‘I am’, because only by keenly scrutinizing or inspecting our consciousness ‘I’ can we discover who or what we really are – what this consciousness ‘I’ actually is.

source: Michael James, Happiness and the Art of Being, An introduction to the philosophy and practice of the spiritual teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana PDF p. 23




New Earth Heartbeat

I want to bring to you material from various sources as well as my own experiences that can assist us to realize ourselves as a part of this one spaceless and timeless Being that we all are. This can lead to the perspective and realization of our true nature. Then we can stop seeking, if even only for an instant. Then see what happens…


 “If we’re a free person, we aren’t conditioned by the things around us. We just smile to them and we make our path. Our surroundings are like a mirror. If we smile, the mirror smiles. If we cry, the mirror cries. If we’re angry, then the situation becomes angry. But even if the situation looks angry, if we are able to smile, then the surroundings smile with us. So the surroundings are coming from our mind.”

Thich Nhat Hanh, Nothing to Do, Nowhere to Go, p. 176



19-9-15 IV

Morocco Adventure 2015

The more we can live in mindfulness moment by moment, the more we will be in a clear mental, emotional and physical space. Living a peaceful and orderly life makes it possible for us to live in the energy stream of our True Being. May this blog support you in that.

Be well in all you do!


contact: haudegen4711@gmail.com




224 thoughts on “About

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a part of it. Loved what you’ve written here and especially on your gravatar profile. I had asked a couple of days back to connect in a deeper way with Mother Earth and so that I too can have a realisation that how much She loves me. Maybe this is the answer -> learning something from your blog 🙂 Much Love ❤

  2. I have been away from blogging for a while. Now come back and things changed.
    Love to see your new channel. Spreading love is always a noble thing to do.

    Bless you.

  3. i appreciate your blog and you kind of spread a positive energy around. ! just came across your blog . enjoyed and followed! please spare time to view my blog at saadiapeerzada.wordpress.com.
    that would be a privilige.
    thank you

  4. Tomas;
    Keep your vigilance alive and in focus for channeling
    the vision of Peace that you feel and see.
    As Chief Joe of the Nez Perce tribe Said ( as he stood looking over
    the beautiful Yellowstone Area ) From this day forth I Fight no more,
    I seek only Peace for all Human Beings)

    George A Peaceful Warrior

  5. I co host an on line radio show, “Envision This” in which we speak to creating a sustainable, resilient and equitable future. You may enjoy the following recent interviews.

    You may enjoy the following interview of physicist Tom Cambell http://www.blogtalkradio.com/envision-this/2014/03/13/exploring-the-frontiers-of-reality-and-consciousness-with-tom-campbell

    Also, the following show may be of interest to you and your readers in which F. David Peat is interviewed with filmmaker Ron Howard regarding a planned documentary regarding David Bohm. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/envision-this/2014/02/26/reconnect-to-our-true-nature-via-a-documentary-on-quantum-physicist-david-bohm

  6. thanks tomas i really like what you wrote and i’ve actually been practicing it and have felt amazing. i’d like to share a little bit about me. nobody talked to me about consciousness or awakening it just came to my life little by little a few months ago, as i had so little hours of work and do to that little income and we all know how that is. it kept me from going out and spending time with friends, fixing my dirtbike and spending hours riding it, getting a car and many other things, but some how i didnt feel worried or stressed like other times, it came to my mind that my life had been like this so far for a reason, thanks to that i wasnt distracted by these material things and friends and i was able to focus on other things about life and the universe, i also began to read and search for good books and videos among all of these the ones that really hit me the most, were the ones about awareness and spirituality. i definitely have a strong disire to succed on the topics, i have become more ivolved in spirituality but sometimes i have the feeling that i’m not there yet, how can you tell? and what are some tips to not lose the path? i´d really appreciate any advice.
    have an awesome day full of joy!

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