A Selection of True Awakening Experiences Part III


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This article is in response to Barbara Franken’s challenge: link


I am asked to relate my awakening experience. This article is about the time that I first became aware of all that we take to be ‘the world’ is not what we think it is. It was in 1966 and I was a 16-year-old who had hitch-hiked to Istanbul from Trieste, Italy where I lived at that time. Continue reading



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Sokei-an Shigetsu Sasaki:

Wednesday September 27th, 1939

“O Obedient One! All sentient beings will prove that innately they possess the nature of this Perfect Awakening. When they meet a good teacher, according to his method of practice, they will approach to the state of causal Dharma. When they practice, some of them will realize the result suddenly and some will realize the result little by little. If they encounter the highest Bodhi of Buddha and the path of their practice, without regard to the capacity of their natures be they great or small, they will attain the state of Buddha-knowledge. Even though sentient beings seek the good friend, if they meet one who has an erroneous View — they cannot attain the true apprehension of Awakening. Such sentient beings are called ‘those who possess the seed of a heretical birth.’ The erroneous teachings of a wrong master are not the errors committed by the sentient beings themselves. They are the result of the five varieties of sentient nature.” Continue reading

a spiritual scientist


Become a spiritual scientist. The fundamental element of our psyche is the sense of “I”, also often called the Ego. Focus your whole being on this element. Where does it originate within your being? Be a spiritual scientist and focus the powerful beam of your Inner Awareness on the “I” feeling. When you perceive anything, or think anything, direct your focus on that “I” sense and follow it to where it originates as our first thought. Continue reading

Leave It Alone – Nisargadatta

flight of the eagle

N: “The one who has come to understand will never try to interfere in the play of consciousness. There is no creator of the vast intellect as such. All this play is going on spontaneously. There is no intellect behind it so don’t try to impose yours to bring about any change. Leave it alone. Continue reading

Godhead and I

Go With The Flow Sunita Anand

Go With The Flow
Sunita Anand

“The invitation is always to stop – to stop the projections, internally and externally, to stop what you imagine other people are projecting. You stop it all. It’s a hall of mirrors and it gets scary when it’s believed in. But when you stop, and you’re very still, there’s nothing happening.” Gangaji

Godhead: from Middle English godhede, “godhood”, and unrelated to the modern word “head” source

This term “godhood” points to what I often call the creative Force or First Principle energy, capitalized to signify the highest conceivable force or principle. Continue reading

From the Hearts of Angels


From the hearts of angels

To the souls here on Earth

The song of beauty rings out.


Not to be captured, transcribed or published,

This beauty elopes with us

When we take the bold step.


There is a mountain

Higher than the sky

That beckons to us:

Please – raise your sights!


All spiritual disciplines,

Wisdom and truths

Cheer us on to explode

And burst out of this shell.


We have long been mature

To wake up from this dream

And yet we are caught

In this web of deceit.


We believe our own thoughts

And get lost in the maze –

Is there no way

To wipe out the haze?


At the point of inception

We all see the clear light

But then we slide into

Our dastardly plight.


We dance with the shadows

And get stuck in the muck,

Then we struggle and struggle

To lift ourselves up.

And lose sight of the splendor

We harbor inside.


Settle down, settle down

Like the water glass

Swirling with mud


You are clarity itself –

Just be still for a time

And give it a chance

It will reveal

All you wanted to see


Remember — you are

Diamond-like stardust

Sparkling and dancing

Drinking in the great light.

Our Connection with Mother Nature

Telepathy — Our New Paradigm Communication

Re-posted from newearthparadigm.wordpress.com

Anna Breytenbach, a very talented animal communicator, is remarkable in several aspects. Of course it is very wonderful to be able to communicate with our animal companions on this planet so as to be better able to meet our common challenges or for us to assist animals in human environments that are in distress. I see the great significance of this kind of direct connection with the animal world also, as Anna and others in the video mention, in that more and more humans are beginning to acknowledge that the Natural world is actually our home. I know that I am feeling greatly nourished on the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual levels of my being since my direct, visceral connection to Nature began to intensify over the course of the last year. I am sure you will enjoy this video!
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