
Dear Friends,

Those of us who are synchronistically-inclined join with millions across our Planet on 12-12-12 to celebrate the New Earth that we all are helping to birth. We are doing this through our blogs, our conversations with family and friends, perhaps by the choices we make when buying our food. Maybe we work professionally helping to implement new technologies that are truly sustainable. The list goes on and on.

Here is a video on this topic, and below the video are a few links to sites that are dedicated to this “Day of InterConnectedness”:






An Initiation

Big 1

Spiral Galaxy M81 source

During a Holotropic Breathing session at a retreat in the Spring of 2011 I experienced a deep initiation. I was outside the atmosphere of the Earth and experienced the immense synchronized movement of all celestial bodies and forces in this Universe and beyond. It was like a vast clockwork with every gear meshing with everything else. I felt the power and inexorability of this One Movement with myriad parts. I realized how each of us on Earth at this time is being called upon to synchronize our every though and every movement of our Being to align with this Vastness that is infinite into the largest dimension as well as into the most minuscule imaginable. As Joseph Campbell said: The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe.

Here is a recent excerpt from a blog on this subject of cosmic cycles and the present “cusp”:

“Is everyone familiar with the astrological term “cusp“? Most are used to it describing when a person’s birthday exists between where one astrological sign ends and the next sign begins and is referred to as on the cusp of such and such two signs which indicates that both signs influences are in play. This same thing is happening throughout our lifetimes because they’re happening on the cusp of the ending Age of Pisces (2,1oo yearlong cycle) and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. This alone would indicate tremendous changes across the entire planet because Age changes are incredibly potent and reality changing on their own. However, there’s SO much more happening now such as the culmination of a 26,000 yearlong Precessional cycle ( ) — one orbit through all twelve of the 2,100 yearlong astrological Ages; the culmination of a Galactic cycle — one rotation of the Milky Way galaxy which is about 225 million years long, and other cycles of incredibly long duration all completing and aligning now like a grand Cosmic and Galactic birthday! These are the reasons why we’ve all been working and struggling our ways through the Ascension Process over the past twenty-five years or so because everything/everyone everywhere has been, is, and will be changing (evolving) into a very new and different level where we all will continue our spiritual learning and creativity etc.” Source

Consciousness source: arganesh3.wordpress.com/


Did you ever feel you are a universe moving through a universe of universes? We are expanding, letting go of all limitations, past, concepts and opening to the new, the unknown with great trust born of a deeper knowing. Out truth is that we are formless consciousness in form. Let each of us realize that we are pure Awareness and then move into the world as a center of Peace and Love, unburdened by all thoughts of inferiority and of being flawed by actions of the past. Let us forgive ourselves and open up to this mind-boggling shift. Let us open up to being a fuller expression of What Is in every moment. I want to continue to know myself in relation to that ultimate Reality, attain deeper and ever-deeper peace and realize more constantly my identity with It.

I agree with my wife on the following video by Sandra Walker: “It is one of the clearest and most compelling preparations for 12-12-12 that I have seen to date.”

In this video Sandra mentions Christine Day’s radio show:

here is the link.

Hua Hu Ching – Unknown Teachings of Lao Tzu

Hua Hu Ching image source: ebook3000.com

Hua Hu Ching image source: ebook3000.com

I intend this post to be an introduction to a wonderful little book of Wisdom Chapters by Lao Tzu. They are the so-called “Unknown Teachings of Lao Tzu”.

Please read the introduction to the Hua Hu Ching by the translater Brian Walker (after these ten short chapters) for more of the story on this enlightening little book. It can be had on Amazon fora few dollars (see link at bottom). 

Here are the first ten short chapters:


I reach the Integral Way of uniting with the great and mysterious Tao. My teachings are simple; if you try to make a religion or science of them, they will elude you. Profound yet plain, they contain the entire truth of the universe. Those who wish to know the whole truth take joy in doing the work and service that comes to them. Having completed it, they take joy in cleansing and feeding themselves. Having cared for others and for themselves, they then turn to the master for instruction. This simple path leads to peace, virtue, and abundance.


Men and women who wish to be aware of the whole truth should adopt the practices of the Integral Way. These time-honored disciplines calm the mind and bring one into harmony with all things. The first practice is the practice of undiscriminating virtue: take care of those who are deserving; also, and equally, take care of those who are not. When you extend your virtue in all directions without discriminating, your feet are firmly planted on the path that returns to the Tao.


Those who wish to embody the Tao should embrace all things. To embrace all things means first that one holds no anger or resistance toward any idea or thing, living or dead, formed or formless. Acceptance is the very essence of the Tao. To embrace all things means also that one rids oneself of any concept of separation; male and female, self and other, life and death. Division is contrary to the nature of the Tao. Foregoing antagonism and separation, one enters in the harmonious oneness of all things.


Every departure from the Tao contaminates one’s spirit. Anger is a departure, resistance a departure, self- absorption a departure. Over many lifetimes the burden of contaminations can become great. There is only one way to cleanse oneself of these contaminations, and that is to practice virtue. What is meant by this? To practice virtue is to selflessly offer assistance to others, giving without limitation one’s time, abilities, and possessions in service, whenever and wherever needed, without prejudice concerning the identity of those in need. If your willingness to give blessings is limited, so also is your ability to receive them. This is the subtle operation of the Tao.


Do you imagine the universe is agitated? Go into the desert at night and took out at the stars. This practice should answer the question. The superior person settles her mind as the universe settles the stars in the sky. By connecting her mind with the subtle origin, she calms it. Once calmed, it naturally expands, and ultimately her mind becomes as vast and immeasurable as the night sky.


The Tao gives rise to all forms, yet it has no form of its own. If you attempt to fix a picture of it in your mind, you will lose it. This is like pinning a butterfly: the husk is captured, but the flying is lost. Why not be content with simply experiencing it?


The teaching of the Integral Way will go on as long as there is a Tao and someone who wishes to embody it; What is painted in these scrolls today will appear in different forms in many generations to come. These things, however, will never change: Those who wish to attain oneness must practice undiscriminating virtue. They must dissolve all ideas of duality: good and bad, beautiful and ugly, high and low. They will be obliged to abandon any mental bias born of cultural or religious belief. Indeed, they should hold their minds free of any thought which interferes with their understanding of the universe as a harmonious oneness. The beginning of these practices is the beginning of liberation.


I confess that there is nothing to teach: no religion, no science, no body of information which will lead your mind back to the Tao. Today I speak in this fashion, tomorrow in another, but always the Integral Way is beyond words and beyond mind. Simply be aware of the oneness of things.


He who desires the admiration of the world will do well to amass a great fortune and then give it away. The world will respond with admiration in proportion to the size of his treasure. Of course, this is meaningless. Stop striving after admiration. Place your esteem on the Tao. Live in accord with it, share with others the teachings that lead to it, and you will be immersed in the blessings that flow from it.


The ego is a monkey catapulting through the jungle: Totally fascinated by the realm of the senses, it swings from one desire to the next, one conflict to the next, one self-centered idea to the next. If you threaten it, it actually fears for its life. Let this monkey go. Let the senses go. Let desires go. Let conflicts go. Let ideas go. Let the fiction of life and death go. Just remain in the center, watching. And then forget that you are there.

Introduction by Brian Walker

The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu is among the most widely translated and cherished books in the world. Singular in its lucidity, revered across cultural boundaries for its timeless wisdom, it is believed among Westerners to be Lao Tzu’s only book. Few are aware that a collection of his oral teachings on the subject of attaining enlightenment and mastery were also recorded in a book called the Hua Hu Ching (pronounced “wha hoo jing”). The teachings of the Hua Hu Ching are of enormous power and consequence, a literal road map to the divine realm for ordinary human beings. Perhaps predictably, the book was banned during a period of political discord in China, and all copies were ordered to be burned. Were it not for the Taoist tradition of oral transmission of sacred scriptures from master to student, they would have been lost forever. I am permanently indebted to Taoist Master Ni Hua-Ching for sharing his version of these teachings with the Western world after his emigration from China in 1976. My work here is largely based upon his teaching. I bow also to Stephen Mitchell, whose recent translation of the Tao te Ching moved, shaped, and informed me. I encourage readers of this volume to also study Stephen’s book; his elucidation of the Tao and how it manifests in the world is exquisite. It would be a profound pleasure to me if my work one day met the high standard he has set with his own.

source: http://www.scribd.com

link to Hua Hu Ching sellers

Flocks of Smiles

Flock by vladstudio source: http://www.deviantart.com


I call them ‘tweetie birds’

They are so small and they move like a cloud in the sky

Or like a swarm of fish swirling in the morning blue


I see our smiles lifting off

Rising up from our fields of joy

On this morning a New Age Dawning


They swirl and swish through the space of these days

Like speckles of sunlight cheery and bright

Flocks of smiles joyful together


Inciting laughter and giggles and joy

Bubbling up from our bellies and toes

Tickling our ribs till we cry deep relief


I think it’s the cells they just can’t keep still

Jumping out of their skins and ours, too, of course

Like myriad sparks when the bonfire is lit


We all lit the match and so now it is ours

To warm ourselves on this magical fire

With wind from all corners fanning the flames!


Welcome the wind and the change that it brings

Don’t mind the apple-cart overturned

Something much bigger is rolling our way – Hooray!



Well said – and powerful artwork!

Known is a drop, Unknown is an Ocean

Consciousness is just like energy, it cannot be created nor destroyed, only converted; it is one entity that never separates. We are just an extension of something so much greater than ourselves and the energy that creates our individuality is a borrowed reflection of creation. Our beauty only mimics the collective of our origins and will be returned to and recycled through that collective when we are done using this energy. The purpose of spiritual transcendence and human evolution is to bring our individual entities together for the collective consciousness to reach new and unimaginable heights. It’s wise to treat everyone as if they were yourself. Once our communication rises to a level of worldwide empathy nothing will hold us back from the true possibilities of our togetherness.

~ Teren Overbeck and Artwork by Mugwort Artemisia

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Expanding Consciousness

Sunset sky painting

I am bringing together several thoughts that join in my mind under the heading: “Expanding Consciousness” as they lead me to a more unlimited view of Life.

“Everything comes from everything, and everything is made out of everything, and everything returns into everything…”

(Leonardo da Vinci, in: gocreate.com/quotamaze/qldv.shtml)

“This beingness itself is the love. It is most natural and therefore I love all others because I love myself. The fountain of my love for others springs from the love to be. The Unmanifest is manifest through that waking, dynamic, manifest spirit; that is the state of love to be.”

“There is no other thing like Paramatman (the Supreme Self) except “I Love.” In that ecstasy who is going to look at the body? Body becomes irrelevant. How many titles have been given to it, but what is it… only that love for Self.

Always, forever, your knowingness has been moving about, but you have limited it to your own body, and therefore you are killing it. Paramatman is not maya (the veiling and projection of the universe), it is your real nature.

Visitor: “What should one do about one’s daily duties?”

“You should attend to your duties—they are not personal, they are of the manifest consciousness, they belong to all. Try to expand yourself to Infinity as the manifested consciousness. There is no other God but you.

One day this body will drop dead; people think that death means completely Unmanifest, but it is not so, it is not like that. When something is consumed or exhausted, it becomes more, it becomes manifest.”

“Nobody dies, death means finished; for example, a drop of water when it evaporates has become infinite. There is no death for anything, everything finishes to become infinite.”

(Nisargadatta, Prior to Consciousness, p. 62, 63)

My comment: This thought of the Oneness of all manifest phenomena and also of the creative force behind it all as being our own true nature, our actual identity, leads here to the quality of that Oneness as the Love to be. When acknowledged, I see this Love as pervading our life in all ways, and so we become this Love in a conscious way and all of our actions become more and more consciously Love in action. One thought of Camus: “Life will always serve life” underscores this view from his perspective.

The following are thoughts on this topic from Suzanne Lie’s blog – telepathic messages from the Arcturians. Here the Arcturian mentor of the speaker Mytre speaks about states of consciousness. (The link to the entire blog episode is below.)

“Mytre, I want to tell you about states of consciousness and adherence to reality. Your state of consciousness will adhere you to a reality of a correlate frequency of operation. Every reality is multidimensional, and certain frequencies are best for habitation by intelligent Beings. As you become more conscious of your inter-dimensional travels, you will realize this fact.”

“Of course, you have been traveling inter-dimensionally since your Oversoul created your specific Spark of Creation. Your Spark of Creation occurs when you take your first form. YOU, that is the multidimensional essence of YOU, is much more expansive than you could imagine. Your first forms were of Lightbody, in which you traveled the Multiverse seeking experience.”

“Experience is defined as movement through myriad varieties of interactions. When your Beingness is in its higher frequency form, you can simultaneously observe countless expressions of reality. Of course, you never leave this Higher Essence of SELF. Therefore, when you travel inter-dimensionally, you are actually expanding your range of consciousness to encompass the lower frequencies of reality.”

“In this manner, you can directly experience that which you are observing from the perspective of your Spark of Creation, as well as from the perspective of those frequencies of Beingness. Your highest expression of ‘observer SELF’ is infinite and a component of the NOW of the ONE.”

“A visual image, which can be correlated to what we are saying, is the image of a huge cloud. This cloud releases rain. The rain touches the ground and directly interacts with it. Some of this rain falls into water, some falls onto rock, and some falls into the earth etc. etc. All of the rain that originates from the same cloud is related via the same heritage.”

“Some of the rain will fall into the lowest depths of the planet, such as the desert, and other rain will fall onto the peaks of the highest mountains, as well as everywhere in between. As each raindrop falls into a different area, it gathers many different experiences. All of these experiences are simultaneously perceivable within the NOW of your Cloud.”

“Hence, your Cloud sends down raindrops so that it can intimately experience myriad lower dimensional realities via its raindrops. Some of these experiences are very enjoyable and some are not, but all of them are educational. From the perspective of your Spark of Creation, YOU are infinitely alive within the comfort of the ONE and are virtually visiting myriad dimensions of reality.”

“On the other hand, each raindrop takes on its own Life Spark, which initiates its own timeline for existence and inter-dimensional travel. All the Life Sparks that originate from the same Cloud are related. Furthermore, every Cloud is related, as they are all representatives of the ONE Creator Cloud.”

“Thus, all of you who are inter-dimensionally traveling the Multiverse are related because all Clouds are related. However, you are most intimately linked to those who fell from the same Cloud. But, since all the Clouds are related, every raindrop/Life Spark is connected.”

“We use the metaphor of Clouds and Life Sparks because they create an image. If we were to say Elohim, Oversouls and Multidimensional Life Streams, your mind would become engaged, but you might miss the heart feeling. We speak in an imagistic manner so that you can better LIVE the message. When a message is lived rather than understood or remembered, it is stored in your Heart/Mind, as well as your brain.”

“We are training you to commune in this manner, as this is how the Galactics communicate with each other. Also, this imagistic mode of communication allows you to talk to Beings of many different realities, because you are living an image rather than communicating with separate words and sentences. Therefore, please relax while we take you on a inter-dimensional journey.”

Relaxing was good for me, as I was supposedly sleeping. However, since the Arcturian needs no sleep I guess it didn’t understand how important sleep was for me.

“On the contrary,” the Arcturian was responding to my thoughts, “you always go on journeys when you sleep. However, your third dimensional thinking tells you that life makes you tired, and you need to turn off your mind by sleeping. However, physical life in the lower dimensions makes you tired because you have been trained to believe that concept. Life, also, makes you tired because your lower frequency life appears separate from your higher expressions of SELF.”

“When you sleep, you are actually re-connecting with your higher expressions. These expressions are never tired because no time passes and no work is done to cause fatigue. Your higher expressions of SELF do not experience polarities, separation or conflict. Furthermore, they do not experience fear, which is one of the main causes of fatigue. Fear fills your body with chemicals, which make your body race out of synchronization with your breath and heartbeat. Then you feel tired because your body is operating at a different rate than your thoughts and emotions.”

“We ask that you relax into the image being a Cloud. Your Cloud form shifts and changes as you interact with atmospheric conditions. Sometimes the atmosphere seems darker and in transition. This condition is caused because the Clouds/Oversoul are full and seem to hang low in the atmosphere. The Clouds are lower because they are ready to empty their raindrops/Sparks of Creation, into the lower frequencies.”

“Hence, these Clouds are resonating to a slightly lower frequency because their soul families are seeking to leave their Cloud/Oversoul in order to interact with lower realities. On the other hand, sometimes the skies seem clear, and the Clouds are further away and difficult to perceive. However, there are many wispy clouds that seem to creating pathways into the higher realms. This condition occurs when the Oversoul is free of rain/Life Sparks, but it realized that many Life Sparks are ready to begin their long return back to their Cloud/Oversoul.”

“There is a very special occurrence on the planet Earth now, in that the entire planet is ready to commence its return to Oversoul. Hence, many Clouds/Oversouls are sending down wispy passages to guide their Life Sparks home. This visual message is informing all the related planets, solar systems and galaxies that myriad beings, including a planetary being, are seeking support. They are calling for assistance because they are preparing to return to their higher expressions.”

“We, the members of the Galactic Federation, have received this message and are here to assist. This particular planet of is great interest to all of us because it has long been an open Mystery School that developing civilizations could visit to learn about states of consciousness and adherence to reality.”

“Within the Mystery School Earth, there are myriad realities that exist layered in a multidimensional manner, much like clouds in the sky. Differing states of consciousness will adhere you to different frequencies of reality. To enter this Mystery School, a being and/or group of beings had to petition with their Oversoul to enter this multidimensional reality based on polarities. They usually choose to enter Mystery School Earth because they want to learn about individuality.”

“The fine print of the entry contracts read that they would forget everything once they entered this School. Therefore, many Beings became trapped in the Earth School because they forgot who they were and why they went there. The Mystery School Earth is now closing, but it has more students there than ever. Hence, all the graduates of this School have come to assist the Ascending members of Earth to return home to their Oversoul.”

“Many members of Mystery School Earth are fully aware that the lower dimensions of Earth’s Mystery School is closing and are totally prepared to begin their return to Oversoul. However, they are not prepared to make the leap from a third/fourth dimensional reality directly into their seventh dimensional Oversoul. Instead, they will return to their Oversoul dimension by dimension.”

“The first reality that they will return to is the fifth dimension, then the sixth dimension and, eventually, the seventh dimensional Oversoul. Every Being who has taken a form on third/fourth dimensional Earth has experienced many Life Streams during their long journey into the polarized realities of Mystery School Earth.”

“We will, now, return to our metaphor of the Oversoul being a Cloud and the Life Sparks being the rain. Just as the rain first touches the highest peaks to become snow and eventually finds it way to the Ocean, Life Sparks must go through many transitions in order to find their way down into the third/fourth dimensions of planet Earth.”

“The Oceans create great expanses of water, so that the rain can be pulled back into the clouds. Many Life Sparks on Earth hear the call of their Oversoul and are ready to begin their long journey home. In fact, the Planetary Being known as Earth is, also, ready to return to Her higher expressions. If the Life Sparks and the planet can join together as an ocean of Planetary, Unity Consciousness their call for assistance will be greatly amplified.”

“Earth will begin Her long journey back to Oversoul by being Her fifth dimensional expression of New Earth, and many of Her Life Sparks will join Her there. Many of us who have become members of the Galactic Federation, including you, Mytre, have taken many incarnations on Gaia’s body of Earth. Hence, we have returned in answer to Her call for assistance. Do you understand what we are saying Mytre?”

I was a bit taken back by the Arcturian’s question, as I simultaneously realized that I was now awake. I understood that this question was an invitation, as well as a challenge. Then, I remembered that this journey began with my trying to assist my Homeworld to ascend.

I also remembered that Kepier said that I would need to assist Gaia to ascend in order to help my Homeworld. I was also aware that I could not have the hidden agenda of assisting Gaia’s Earth in order to assist my Homeworld. I could feel the Arcturian reading my every thought, as it patiently waited for me to move through my many thoughts.

It was then that I realized that I was considering my thoughts in isolation from my heart. I was not using my Heart/Mind. No wonder I was confused. If I were to decide rather or not to take part in the immense responsibility of assisting an entire world to ascend, I would need to surrender to the Knowing of my Heart/Mind.

I thought of the members of Earth receiving the same invitation to assist with Planetary Ascension. When I realized that they, too, would need to confront their hidden agendas, I felt great compassion for them. Did they even know that they had a Heart/Mind?

“Perhaps it is your privilege to tell them” spoke the Arcturian.


Food for thought!

“Iron rusts from disuse; water loses its purity from stagnation… even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind.”

Leonardo da Vinci, ebenda


pondering reflections




While My Guitar Gently Weeps – For Israel and Palestine

Picasso – Peace Dove

May this truce be the beginning of everlasting Peace on our Planet!


And the Ending of all self-inflicted suffering!


May we find the strength and wisdom 

to drop all judgment for any side of these conflicts 

and to hold those Children, Women and Men 

involved in this inhuman turbulence 

in our One Heart of Unconditional Love!

Link: Still My Guitar Gently Weeps

Song: While My Guitar Gently Weeps lyrics and music by George Harrison
The Beatles – WHITE ALBUM


I look at you all see the love there that’s sleeping
While my guitar gently weeps
I look at the floor and I see it need sweeping
Still my guitar gently weeps

I don’t know why nobody told you
how to unfold you love
I don’t know how someone controlled you
they bought and sold you

I look at the world and I notice it’s turning
While my guitar gently weeps
With every mistake we must surely be learning
Still my guitar gently weeps

I don’t know how you were diverted
you were perverted too
I don’t know how you were inverted
no one alerted you

I look at you all see the love there that’s sleeping
While my guitar gently weeps
I look at you all
Still my guitar gently weeps