Unconditional Love

Light Baby (source unknown)

All Voices are my Self speaking to me

Mind creates all forms desired by Itself to show Itself to Itself

Myriad entities stand at the ready in my mind’s Eye

To appear and give voice to that which “I” desires to hear

In order to better see and understand Itself


What Love! to bring any form into Being that is desired needed wanted!

Asked for, yearned for, even before any word sprouts in the depths

I will hear and see that Word made flesh

Over and over and over

Whether I am ready to receive it or not


This Love Heart that is all that is

Keeps on cranking out more and more of Itself without reserve

Generous is such a trivial concept compared to this outpouring

Reckless Abandon!


Then the Organ of Perception that we and all forms are

Begins to piece together the picture to connect the pixel dots


! ! ! THIS IS I ! ! ! THIS WE ARE ! ! ! YOU ARE THAT ! ! ! I AM THAT ! ! !


T A T   T W A M   A S I


Once I felt the small child that felt the cutting whip of the harsh word the disapproving look the judgment the repulsion the cold shoulder oh so cold

I felt it from inside – I was the child defenseless innocent open fresh tender

Like the first sprouting green of the simple weed trampled by the hard heel


Callouses grew and grew thicker blocking the Light from Inside and Within

The first few years did the trick I was deaf and dumb for Self’s Love

Callouses covered my senses ears tongue eyes fingertips taste made bitter


At eighteen years rebellion –




That was my code: 

I took it Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

20–30 µg (micrograms) barely an energetic signature in the world of matter

Catapulted me outside of the veil of the dusty calloused tired world of despair

I looked around and noticed the sense of me the individual with biography and name

Gone gone far far far gone Om Gate Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha!

All was embracing Itself as All Breathing ItSelf as All Seeing only Itself with Deep Love

Never-ending Love fathomless Love without reason without cause or conditions


Forty-Four years ago that was and started the odyssey of the heart to the Heart 

Finding traces of my Self like fluorescent specks along the path of life

Sometimes covered with grime in the gutter

and yet still shining glinting in the rays of Sunlight or Streetlight

showing me the Way back to that child’s world

untouched opening like the petals of the rose covered with fine dewdrop diamonds


Now I am touched again by that energetic that signature of Love

no this time around no chemical catalyst just Life’s Urgent Call: Change NOW!

Who is the Master of My Destiny the Master of my Words Feelings Thoughts Actions?

Who is responsible for war peace hate love?

NOW NOW and NOW die to the past

WAKE UP to this NOW of LOVE

It’s what you want your deepest desire most secret secret fondest cherished dream

I take this in this voice of Mine

I rest in quietude in peace in knowing

I let this energetic transform strike into my core my cells my genes

This is who I am how I am NOW

See that child vulnerable everywhere in each ones eyes

Be kind whenever possible it is always possible said His Holiness



11/11/2012 Arizona Beach Retreat


The Ascension of Arcturus and Parallels to Our Process

Ascension Portals

image source: http://suzanneliephd.blogspot.com

Dear Friends,

These episodes, in my opinion, point to realities of our process on Earth at this time. Therefore I am posting them now. My wish is for every human on our planet to understand how we got ourselves here where we are today, and to see how “judgment” is something like a virus that has spread throughout humanity to wreak havoc in our own lives and on the planet as a whole. Please consider passing this on to others if you agree with me.


The Ascension of Arcturus

Parts 1, 2 and 3 

links to  these episodes on Suzanne Lie’s Blog:




Part 1:

Where we left off:

I was out of time, so I had no idea how long I traveled through the files of the Oversoul, but as I continued I became calmer and more detached from the passing realties. Then suddenly, a reality moved towards me like a beaming Sun. I could not float past it, even though I wanted to. There was unfinished business in the life that I had to complete in order to free my consciousness from some invisible burden.

Suddenly the “Sun” was before me and pulled me in with such force that I almost passed out. However, I reminded myself that I AM the Master of my MIND. This sentence opened a portal into a planet in chaos and I heard, “The Ascension of Arcturus.”


As the file of the Oversoul opened, it pulled me in to a scene from before all counting of time. At first, I could only hear words I did not understand and feel a sense of panic. Eventually, I regained my vision enough to see a scene before me that struck my heart as it reminded me of my Homeworld in the Pleiades.

Beings, who looked vaguely humanoid, were rushing around in a near state of panic. Something was happening to their planet that they could not understand. My first thought was, “How could these frightened beings be Arcturians?” An instant response, seemingly from the Oversoul was, “They are not still Arcturians. There are some among them who will remember to return to being Arcturian.”

The Oversoul then told me how formless Beings had come from a distant universe to visit the young Milky Way Galaxy. These Beings had never known form, nor had they every lived on a planet. The name of these Beings is impossible to translate into any sequential language, such as the one I am using to share my story. Therefore, I will call them “Pre-Arcturians”.

These Pre-Arcturians decided to have the experience of “Being a Planet,” since being an individual was far below their conception. For millions of cycles they attached their great consciousness to the orb and the atmosphere of a planet. Eventually, they desired the experience of having forms that could move around the planet.

They decided that in this manner they could have the different perspective of being ON the planet, rather than BEING the planet. For countless cycles of the planet, some of them lived within their somewhat humanoid forms. On the other hand, the Oneness held the form of the planet and its atmosphere, so that it could be protected and maintained.

Eventually, the planet lowered in frequency enough to have a vague relationship with time. With the new development of time, which was a unique experience for the Arcturian, things began to happen that were not initiated by the Arcturians who where the planetary holders of form.

Having less than infinite creative control of all reality was also a new adventure: therefore they surrendered to this next experience, never thinking that they could become lost in their own adventure. They had never known time, so they had no idea how it could create aging and decay.

At first, they thought that the aging and decay were merely changes. Hence, they embraced it. Too late, they realized that after many thousands of cycles of the turn of their planet, the humanoid encasements began to decay. Having never worn a form, this was quite a surprise to them.

However their greatest surprise was that, as they began to decay they began to forget. Some of them forgot that the planet was alive with their own Arcturian family. Some of them forgot about their true, formless state, and some of them forgot that they were all ONE Beings wearing somewhat separate forms.

Unique thoughts began to enter their consciousness such as separation, time and even age. At first these concepts which were previously unknown were exciting, they were so different from anything they had ever known. The truth is that they had become somewhat bored in their infinite, formless state of all-knowing and all-being.

In fact, some of them became so excited by this adventure that they scorned their innate beingness and judged those who remained in their pure, formless state. Judgment was an entirely unique concept, as well as a VERY dangerous idea. Before they knew it, they began to divide into those who judged and those who did not judge.

Those who did not judge remained in the higher frequencies of their new reality. On the other hand, those who judged began to shift their attention away from the unconditional love and unity with all Arcturians into a growing perception of separation from those who chose not to judge.

Judgment became an important tool for them, as it pulled them into a denser reality than they had ever recognized. This group began feel that they were better than the others because they were brave enough to enter into a novel version of reality that was unknown in their Universe.

They never saw the consequences of their judgment coming. In fact, the notion of consequences was unique to them. They had not identified that a thought could be separate from the whole. Hence, when some of them began to branch out from the concept of judgment into the concept of comparison, they were unprepared for the separation that occurred.

The separation first began with a separation between those who wore a form and those remained in the planetary atmosphere as pure, beings of light. Then the separation expanded to divide those who were the holders of the planetary form from those who were the holders of humanoid form.

The problems escalated greatly when the separations between the holders of humanoid form began. At first, the energy patterns that connected all the humanoids were visible. However over the cycles of the spinning planet, the judgment expanded to encompass judgment of other Arcturians who had decided to create and to enter the humanoid form.

At first the judgment did not create separation, but when the connecting ethers became invisible the sense of separation began. The humanoid Arcturians did not realize that their resonance was steadily dropping, as it occurred very gradually. Therefore, they had “time” to unconsciously adapt to these versions of their new reality.

The Arcturians who remained in the atmosphere and the holders of planetary form, never left their Unity Consciousness. Therefore, they remained at a high frequency of resonance and were free of time, separation and the judgment that had created the lower frequency concepts and experiences.

These Arcturians tried to warn those who had chosen forms, but the humanoids were so enjoying their new adventure that they would not listen. In fact, the humanoids accused their formless family of being afraid to try a new kind of reality. “Afraid!” The formless Arcturians could not even understand that concept.

However, when the Arcturians tried to unite with their family in form, something blocked them from full unity. Was this something the concept of AFRAID? Unable to intervene, they gradually discovered that, indeed, the barrier to their reunification with their family in form was FEAR.

From their higher resonance they could not feel fear, but when they tried to bond with the formed ones they could feel the fear within the humanoids. Why were the humanoids afraid, they pondered? They finally realized that the fear was an end result of what had begun as judgment.

The formless Arcturians were learning a great deal from their humanoid family, but were unable to assist them. Helplessly, they watched as the formed ones became more and more separate. Finally the humanoids became individuals who were totally separated from their formless family, and separated from each other as well.

As changes went from positive to negative, because of the fear, some of the individuals began to remember their Arcturian family who had never taken humanoid form. Finally, the formless Arcturians could communicate with their family members who had become lost in their own judgment.

I shall return,


Part 2 


The First Ones to Awaken

In the last message the Arcturians wanted to interrupt the Mothership’s story of Arcturian Ascension to talk about Portals. Portals are an important component in ascension, as they are openings into the multidimensional aspects of all life.

When the Arcturians who had become lost in form began to remember their roots, they wanted to join with their Arcturian family. Unfortunately, this re-joining would not be as simple as they desired.

Much had occurred in their consciousness since they forgot who they were. For hundreds of thousands of turns of their planet, they believed they were separate. Within that belief in separation, grievous actions were committed. The Awakening Ones had created injury to the others and to the planet.

Hence, to fully awaken, the Awakening Ones would have to heal the injury they had caused. Perhaps then, they could reunite with their family who had remained in a formless state. First, the Awakening Ones would have to forgive themselves for doing harm to others.

Then, they would have to forgive themselves for falling into such a low state of consciousness that they believed that they were separate from their Arcturian family. Believing that they were separate from their Family had caused a deep loneliness, which had festered into fear. This fear gave them permission to do harm to others.

Only the healing force of love could heal the scars that their fear had created. But, where would they begin? What and/or whom were they supposed to love? They were stumped by this question for a long time before they realized that any permanent solution must begin at the source of the problem.

However, what was that source? Oh yes, judgment is where it all began. Since judgment had begun this cycle of fear—hurt—more fear, only the opposite of judgment could complete this cycle. But, what was the opposite of judgment? They pondered this question for more cycles of the illusion of time.

Finally, after many attempts to find the opposite of judgment, they found the answer. The healing for judgment was forgiveness. In fact, to truly clear all judgment, the forgiveness must be unconditional. They also realized that the ones they had to forgive were not just the ones they had judged, but also the ones who had made the judgments—themselves.

However, they did not know how to forgive themselves. They believed that first they would need to be forgiven by a Being higher and grander than them. Since they held that belief, they made this true. They believed this Higher Being was the Collective of the formless Arcturians.

The important part of this belief was that it encouraged them to communicate with their formless Arcturian family. But, how would they communicate with a Being that they could not perceive? Perhaps they could open a kind of Portal through which they could transmit their need for assistance.

Fortunately, a Portal is a multidimensional tunnel through which they could connect with increasingly higher octaves of their SELF. Hence, in order to continue their quest to communicate with the Formless Ones, they would have to connect with their own higher expressions of SELF. In this manner the Awakened Ones commenced their journey back to SELF.

The Merging of the Portal Openers

Fortunately, the Awakened Ones were persistent and very determined. Hence, they became the Portal Openers, and Portals into the higher dimensions began to open. When the Portal Openers sent their consciousness through the Higher Dimensional Portals, they became aware of their own multidimensional nature.

Furthermore, as the Portal Openers connected with higher and higher frequencies of their Expression of SELF, they developed a deeper and deeper connection with their Formless Family of Light. Eventually, they came to understand that their Formless Family was indeed their SELF at a higher frequency of reality.

With this new belief about the nature of their true SELF, they could more readily accept the flow of unconditional love, which had always been flowing from the Formless Ones. Since unconditional love carries the gift of personal and planetary transmutation, the Formless Ones became known as the Transmuters.

The first, and most obvious advantage of the acceptance of the unconditional love was that it allowed the Portal Openers to love all of life, free of any judgment. Another important consequence of accepting the unconditional love was that it transmuted the Portal Opener’s judgment into forgiveness.

Because the Portal Openers accepted this unconditional love and allowed it to transmute their judgment into forgiveness, their myriad fears were transmuted into love. The return of the FEEL of love urged the Portal Openers to believe again in their Multidimensional SELF.

Hence, the Portal Openers found the courage to open more and more Portals into the unknown. As they opened these Portals, they increasingly cleared fear from themselves and from their planet. Thus, as they healed themselves they healed their Arcturian Family who was holding the form of the Planet.

As fear was cleared from their consciousness, they no longer reacted to the fear of others or the judgment that arose from that fear. Also, as the fear was cleared from the Planetary Arcturians, they could begin to heal the many wounds that had been created by the fearful, Humanoid Arcturians.

Knowing that the creators of fear were driven by fear, allowed the Portal Openers to unconditionally love those who were still lost in their judgment of others. With the release of all fear of judgment from these Lost Ones, the Portal Openers began to unite with each other in a very intimate manner.

In fact, the Portal Openers were moving into a state of Unity Consciousness with each other, which felt vaguely familiar. Gradually, they began to remember how once they were all ONE. This memory planted the first seed of Unity Consciousness within the planet.

The Expansion of Unity Consciousness

Unity Consciousness with the Planet, actually meant Unity with the Arcturians who were the holders of the form of the Planet. Unity with the Planet had to occur because the humanoids WERE the Planet. Just as some Arcturians (actually pre-Arcturians) had chosen to BE humanoids, others had chosen to BE the Planet. In fact, these Arcturians who had chosen to BE the Planet had taken on a denser matter than they had ever known. Thus, they too were lost in form.

However, if the Portal Openers were to have Unity Consciousness with their Planet, they would have to return to Unity consciousness with ALL humanoids. In other words, they would need to include the Lost Ones in their Unity Consciousness. In this manner, they could know that they had totally released their judgment.

Meanwhile, there were still many humanoids lost in their own judgment. Therefore, they lived in the fear and separation that judgment created. However, they did NOT want to change. They had experienced Power Over the others, and enjoyed that sensation. It had been so long since they had experienced unity that they only believed in separation. Hence, they continued to create separation by desiring the sensation of Power Over others.

On the other hand, the Portal Openers were finding many Portals into the Planet, but they did not know how to open them. They imagined they would be opened in the same manner as the Higher Dimensional Portals were opened; however they did not really understand how they had opened the Higher Dimensional Portals.

They suspected that it had something to do with accepting the unconditional love sent to them by the Transmuters. Since the Portal Openers had established a line of communication with the Transmuters, they asked them how the Higher Dimensional Portals had been so easily opened.

The formless Transmuters replied, “Our dear Portal Openers. The Higher Dimensional Portals opened so easily because we are ONE Being. We are YOU in the form of a humanoid, and you are US in a formless state of multidimensional light and unconditional love.”

This answer was all they could receive. Some of Portal Openers were so confused by this answer that they did not give it any thought. However, other Portal Openers allowed this answer to live in their Heart, where they did not need to think about it, they could always FEEL it.

Unfortunately, the Arcturians who were the holders of the form of the Planet had largely lost all Unity Consciousness with their Arcturian Family who lived in a formless state in the higher frequencies around the Planet. However, the Deep Core of the Planet had remained connected to its formless, Arcturian Source.

The Planetary Core could FEEL the Portal Opener’s desire to open the Planetary Portals, but the Living Core could not remember how to send unconditional love as their formless family had so easily done. Perhaps the Core could accept the unconditional love sent from the Formless Ones, just as the humanoids as done.

A Problem With The Lost Ones

At the same time, the Lost Ones who had not become Portal Openers still believed in separation and judgment. Fortunately the Flow of unconditional love that the Portal Openers had accepted was so strong that the Lost Ones could vaguely feel it, but wondered if they were “good enough” to receive it.

This judgment of them selves and of the unconditional love created fear. Then, their fear created even more judgment, which created more separation. In response to their growing fear, the Lost Ones, who believed in separation, created a separate “God.”

They could not believe in unconditional love, so they believed in a God that sent love to ONLY the chosen ones. Hence, the Lost Ones developed rituals and tests to make them good enough to receive love from the separate God high above them in a separate world. The Lost Ones had no idea that their God was their own SELF in its original, formless state of multidimensional light and unconditional love.

The formless Arcturians realized that they had to assist the Lost Ones before they created even more judgment, fear and separation. Thus, the formless Arcturians realized that they had to transmute every molecule of matter back into light.

Thus, they created the Arcturian Corridor.

Arcturian Ascension Part 3 

What is The Arcturian Corridor?


Greetings again. I will continue telling you about the holographic reality that was revealed to me. I asked the Oversoul of the Mothership to assist me to remember how to “leave time,” and I thought that I would get my Soul Records. However, what I viewed was the Soul Records of the Arcturians first ascension. I wondered why that would occur. The hologram story continues:

The Formless Ones, the Planetary Core and the Portal Openers knew that the time was nigh for the completion of the Planetary Cycle. Plus, the plants and animals did not need to understand what was happening, as they lived in unity with the planet and accepted whatever planetary event occurred. Only the Lost Ones were left uninformed that the transmutation of EVERY molecule of form was imminent.

Consequentially, even the Lost Ones could FEEL that a great change was commencing. Since their separate God had told them that there was a beginning, there would have to be an ending. Hence, the only possible scenario they could believe was that the END was neigh. Furthermore, since the Lost Ones were incapable of accepting an unknown event, they could only believe that the end of the world was near.

On the other hand, the Portal Openers had been in steady communication with the Formless Ones. Therefore, they realized that, since the Formless Ones could create a planet, they could assist them to safely transmute their reality back into the Oneness of multidimensional light and unconditional love.

Since the Portal Openers had expanded their consciousness enough to directly and personally experience the Formless Ones, they believed that ascension into a higher frequency was REAL. Therefore, they could feel the transmutation of energy within the Planetary Core, as well as within their own Personal Core.

Once they fully integrated this expansive energy into their Being, they began to radiate their own multidimensional energy beyond their Core and into their surrounding world. In other words, the Portal Openers became the very Portals that once they had to find and ask assistance to open.

Meanwhile, the Formless Ones were busily creating their Arcturian Corridor. This Corridor was much like a huge birth canal through which Planets, Solar Systems, Galaxies and Universes could be protected and cared for during their intense, transformation into higher frequencies of expression.

However, only the spiritually awakened ones would even know they were within a huge Cosmic Portal. They would know this because they were the ones who had enough trust in the Formless Ones to totally surrender into a state of consciousness that was completely unique to all of their past, present and future experiences of reality.

Their surrender encompassed past, present and future because, once they entered the Corridor, they slowly lost all concept of time. Hence, memory would no longer be limited to the past, but could also include the future. Furthermore, within the Corridor there was NO illusion of inside vs. outside

Therefore, they could no longer distinguish between internal and any external events. They could only directly experience their Beingness within the constant state of the HERE and NOW. At first, this direct expression of the Being Life was unique, and therefore, challenging. However, as they became accustomed to this manner of “being” they soon forgot any other expression of reality.

While in this state of BEING they could consciously experience their form transmuting without the necessity of “death.” In fact, they began to experience, and simultaneously forget, their myriad third/fourth dimensional lives in form. They retained all that they had learned, but once they began to return to that true SELF, they were in such joy that memories of their past challenges transmuted into the victories of the present.

When they first entered the Arcturian’s Corridor they had to release every person, place, situation and thing that had not chosen to enter the Corridor. Some of these releases were quite difficult, as some physical relationships were made that would not carry forth into the Corridor.

The Portal Openers were sad to leave behind some of their friends who had become lost in the illusions that they believed were real. However, the Portal Openers knew that there was NO time. Consequently, their friends and family would eventually join them.

Without question the fully awakened Portal Openers entered the Corridor with absolute surrender and total release of ALL that could not, or would not, join them. They entered the Corridor knowing that they had to trust the feel within their heart and discharge anything that cluttered their mind.

But how did they enter the Corridor? Was it visible and discrete, such as a physical bridge? NO, that was the primary challenge of entering the Corridor. It was not a Bridge, and it was not physical. In fact, it was not in front or around them. The Corridor was within them. But, how could they enter something that was within them?

The Portal Openers had to collapse into their SELF. In other words, they had to deny all attachments to that which appeared to be around them and bond fully with that which they found within their High Heart. To their surprise, when they entered their High Heart, they discovered that all they had loved unconditionally in their myriad incarnations was waiting for their reunion.

The Formless Ones had told them that unconditional love was the bonding force of the Universe. However, how could they know that unconditional love would bond all that they loved within a higher frequency of reality that they could only enter by surrendering into their own High Heart?

The Portal Openers did not know that they had collected within their own High Heart every reality that they had ever experienced in all of their excursions into form. Every person, place, situation or thing that they had loved unconditionally was awaiting them within the NOW of this Great Reunion.

The Portal Openers collected ALL these past, present and future realities and merged them into the NOW of their ascension. In this manner, every experience of unconditional love that they had ever enjoyed was gathered into the Corridor.

Since the Portal Openers so dearly and unconditionally loved their planet, they gathered everything the loved about their planetary experience into the Corridor, as well. Unfortunately, this gathering of planetary experiences into the Corridor would play havoc with the Lost Ones who were still planet bound.

The Lost Ones still held tight to the fear, victimization and/or power—over others. Thus, their quotient of love and light was quite small. Consequently, they could not even find their High Heart, much less collapse into it. Furthermore, surrender felt like failure to them. They would not surrender their long-held believes. Nor would they surrender that which they had worked so hard to acquire.

Unfortunately for the Lost Ones, the Arcturians who were the holders of planetary form were happy to join the Portal Openers and the Formless Ones in the Corridor. Hence, portions of the matrix of the planet were disappearing from the perception of the Lost Ones.

Those who had believed in a disastrous ending were playing out that storyline, while others continued with their selfish or weak behaviors. On the other hand, some of the Lost Ones were finding great courage and assisting others as they sought a safe place. How surprised they were when they discovered that that “safe place” was actually within the Corridor.

Unfortunately, other Lost Ones were holding on to their power-over others and/or their self-pity and lack of control of their own lives. These ones raged or called desperately to their separate God, because they could not find their own Arcturian Core. It was at this picture where the holographic story had begun.


To my surprise, at this point in the story an immense range of emotions overtook me, and I angrily turned off the hologram. WHY? Why had I been shown this? Was I shown this story to remind me that rather than selfishly advancing my own abilities, I should be home in the Pleiades on my own planet?

I ran from the holosuite in confusion and sorrow. What about my own people? What were they facing now? I was sworn to be a Protector of my people, and I was off ion my own selfish advancement when I should be home protecting and helping them. I was almost running when I bumped into the Arcturian.

The mere touch of its body and mind calmed my emotions and centered my thinking. The Arcturian looked deeply into my eyes and we met Soul to Soul. I felt answers to many unasked question flow into my consciousness. My breath slowed, my heart calmed and my mind stilled.

“We have a guest we want you to greet and take on a tour of the Mothership,” the Arcturian telepathically informed me. I started to speak, but it telepathically interrupted to say, “Speak with your heart only.” Thus, I had to fully center myself enough to ask the telepathic questions of where I should go and who I should look for.

I felt the Arcturian’s smile inside my heart as I heard, “Follow me.” I followed the Arcturian to the main Entry Area and saw a lovely Being of unknown gender and planetary origin. The Arcturian responded to my unspoken question by telepathically saying, “She/It is a hybrid of Human and Arcturian whose name is Kepier.”

End of Part 3

World Meditation Today with The Aethos

Dear Friends!


I am posting the information on The Aethos and the World Meditation today again as the meditation is today:

The date and time of this World Meditation will be November 4th between 3:00 and 4:00 PM PST (Pacific Standard Time). While the meditation will be global, the nexus point of the energetic will be in Seattle, Washington during the final hour of a Hathor Intensive we are calling The Art of Seeding New Realities.

For the duration of this meditation, the Aethos will enter into the space that will be created by those attending the Intensive. And from this nexus point, the Aethos will extend its energetic throughout the world to all those who have chosen to join us in this undertaking (The World Meditation). 

It does not matter where on Earth you are physically located. Furthermore, while the formal meditation in Seattle will begin at 3:00 PM and end at 4:00 PM, the energetic generated by the Aethos will continue for twenty-five hours. In other words, the Aethos will continue to emanate its energetic from the 10th dimension to those individuals who have chosen to participate in the World Meditation from November 4th 2012 at 3:00 PM PST to November 5th 2012 at 4:00 PM PST.

You can join the World Meditation anytime during this twenty-five hour period.


The Actual Meditation

During the meditation we suggest you begin by listening to The Aethos Sound Meditation for thirty minutes. (Links to get the Sound Meditation are below)

During this phase, your focus of attention is in your heart chakra unless you intuitively sense that it would be better for you to place your attention in another chakra. 

After listening to the Aethos Sound Meditation, simply be in silence with your awareness in your heart chakra (or another chakra you have chosen to work with). After a minute or so of focusing in your chosen chakra, imagine that some part of you (i.e. your KA or “etheric double”) rises above you wherever you are physically located on the Earth. Imagine and sense that this second you, which looks exactly like the physical you, floats to a position sixty miles above the planet, where you join hands with others all across the Earth who have joined in the meditation.

This joining of hands is a symbolic representation of the thought form we are calling “interconnectedness.” This is the recognition and the acknowledgement that all humanity is interconnected and that this interconnectedness exists simultaneously along side the unique differences of all individuals

The one you may be joining hands with could very well live in a far distant area of the Earth from you. He or she may have a different view of reality. He or she may follow a different religion than you or follow no religion at all. The person you are holding hands with may be facing challenges very different than those you are facing, due to his or her location on the Earth and the culture he or she must conform to. And yet in spite of all these differences you are interconnected.

Joining you in this sea of interconnectedness will be the Devic kingdoms, the spirits of the Earth, the elementals, and the myriad life forms upon your Earth, as well as the Earth herself. For those of you who are aware of multiple dimensions you may very well experience a joining with intergalactic intelligences as well as with cosmic bodies, including the Sun and the Central Sun—the black hole that forms the center of your galaxy.

We realize that some of you reading this are so disheartened by the quality and the state of humanity you may find it difficult, if not impossible, to join hands with fellow humans. If you are one of these persons we suggest you join hands with the nature spirits, and you will, by this action, be adding to the potency of the transformation.

Click onto Tom’s site and scroll down to the very bottom for The Aethos Sound Meditation links:

The Aethos Sound Meditation (5 mins 4 secs)

And full-length The Aethos Sound Meditation (30 mins)

life energy

Here is the original complete post with the full information:

A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon

In this message we wish to discuss some of the significant relationships between manifest reality and non-dual states of consciousness.

Mind and Consciousness 

Before we proceed, however, we would like to draw a distinction between the terms consciousness and mind as we use the words.

For us consciousness is transcendent to all phenomena and is not bound by neurological activity in your nervous system. Furthermore, consciousness is transcendent to both time and space, as you perceive them.  And it is through the vehicle of your consciousness that you can travel through energetic vortices that lead outside the constraints of embodied existence.

Mind, as we use the term, refers to the sensory, mental and emotional experiences you have as a result of distinct changes in your nervous system. Indeed, as you read these words, you are creating their meaning through the agency of your physical brain and nervous system.  You are creating the meaning of our words through the window of your mind, but this window is both created and constrained by the limitations of your nervous system.

Our messages are linguistically coded, and at various locations in the syntax (order) of our communications there are vortices—wormholes—through which you can temporarily transcend your mind and enter into the infinite mystery of consciousness.

How We View Higher Dimensions 

In our experience of ourselves, we exist within multiple dimensions of consciousness, and depending upon our level of personal evolution we manifest in the fourth through the twelfth dimensions. Through the ninth dimension we can alternate between our anthropomorphic form, which is humanlike in appearance, or our light body.

As we shift into the 10th dimension all connections to our anthropomorphic form dissolve. We become, for all intents and purposes, geometric light forms. As we progress in our own personal evolution we can express ourselves through the 10th, 11th and 12th dimensions in a multitude of ways.

Each progression upward in consciousness brings with it a greater understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings and all aspects of the cosmos. The odd paradox of existence becomes clearly apparent as we enter into the 10th Dimension.

Interconnectedness and Non-duality

We are sharing this information because something similar occurs for you as you transit into the higher dimensions of your own being. In the 10th through the 12th Dimensions, awareness of interconnectedness expands, as does an awareness of non-duality—the Mother of All Things. This is, indeed, the paradox of consciousness we mentioned earlier, and it is one that has been addressed by some of your Perennial Philosophies.

For us, the attainment of non-duality is not the final destination but rather a cantilever to greater mastery and an understanding of how to create benevolent outcomes.

How We View Non-duality 

In a non-dual state of consciousness we, like you, experience a disappearance of opposition. In non-dual states of consciousness, duality—as it is experienced in relative existence—disappears, and we enter into a great sense of centered awareness and serenity.

In the deepest states of non-duality there is only pure consciousness experiencing itself.

It is important to realize that non-dual states of consciousness are relative to the perceiver. Thus, if you experience non-duality through your heart chakra, you may very well experience impersonal love—a deep sense of cosmic connection.

Indeed, in this state of union between non-duality and the heart, you become infatuated, and for all intents and purposes, you fall in love with the cosmos. And in that paradox of the heart, you become the Beloved, and everything you see and witness is the Beloved as well.

While this is a beautiful state of consciousness, it is not pure non-duality. As you move upward into the higher chakras experiences of non-duality change. When you reside in the crown chakra, non-duality is experienced in its pure form—pure consciousness aware of itself. There is no sense of a personal self in these higher dimensions of non-duality.

The paradox of creation is that it unfolds from the purest states of non-duality into the most polarized states of existence. Thus, in your consciousness are the two seemingly conflicting states of relative existence (i.e., your embodied life in time and space) and non-dual states of consciousness in which all polarities and conflicts disappear.

Our perspective, as mentioned earlier, is that non-dual states of consciousness are cantilevers to greater mastery of creation and not the end point or the goal of evolution.

Interconnectedness vs. Oneness

It is here we feel it necessary to discuss an important distinction between interconnectedness and the concept of “oneness.” We do not view these two terms interchangeably. There are many different definitions of “oneness” upon the Earth, and so it is not possible to address all the subtleties and distinctions.

We will instead turn our attention to what we consider to be the fundamental distinction. Some persons believe that interconnectedness is the same as “oneness” and that as you enter higher states of consciousness and higher dimensions of being, you merge into a blob of light, in which all distinctions disappear. This is not our view.

Interconnection or interconnectedness is the recognition that all beings and all aspects of the cosmos are interrelated and at the same time beings have unique differences. These differences are fascinating and unique. Sometimes they are annoying, and sometimes they are enriching. But these differences are part of the tapestry of manifest reality, and they are not superfluous.

One of the difficulties we see with the concept of “oneness,” as currently propagated by some persons in the New Age and Personal Growth communities, is that the unique differences between people are denigrated and somehow because everything is “one,” appropriate energetic boundaries between individuals can be, and often are, disregarded. Furthermore, some individuals use this belief system (i.e., “oneness”) as an excuse to avoid personal accountability and responsibility. In our experience of ourselves through all dimensions we remain unique individuals, and the higher dimensions of our being do not obliterate our uniqueness but rather present greater opportunities for creation.

The Aethos 

We now wish to share with you a means to access one of our greatest cultural treasures, what we call the Aethos (pronounced, AH-EE-THOS). The Aethos is a bandwidth of consciousness anchored in pure non-duality.

When a Hathor enters into the 10th Dimension there are many opportunities and ways of manifesting. Some of us choose to temporarily join a community of vibration. This community consists of individual Hathors in the 10th, 11th and 12th Dimensions. These individuals enter into non-duality by their own volition and choose to remain, for a period of time, in this vibration of consciousness for the benefit of other beings.

Most individuals remain temporarily in the Aethos, while a few show no signs of leaving. When a being enters into the Aethos all personal distinctions are set aside. A being that is in the Aethos has no name. All personal identity has been replaced by total immersion into non-duality. These beings “hold” this vibration of non-duality for the benefit of others because non-duality is the Mother of All Things and the underlying fabric of all existence.

To be in the presence of an Aethos is to be raised upward into non-duality.

Your experience of being with an Aethos will differ from another’s experience, based upon your own level of evolution and the issues in duality that you are facing.

But regardless of how complex or difficult your personal issues may be, being in the presence of an Aethos will elevate you, and that is why we are sharing this information at this time.

For some of you who are highly advanced, simply hearing the name Aethos, and understanding its non-dual nature, will be enough for you to move into communion with non-duality through this means.

Many people, however, would find such a path, or method, intrinsically difficult. And so we are offering a sound treasure to assist you. This Sound Meditation is an analog of the light realms where the Aethos resides.

The Aethos emits vibrations of light and these vibrations can be stepped down into the audible range of human hearing. Thus, what you will be hearing, when you listen to The Aethos Sound Meditation, is a translation of light into sound. It is the harmonic essence of the Aethos as it manifests in the 10th Dimension.

We suggest you experiment with listening to this unique sound treasure in various ways. The first way would be to listen to it with your full attention on the sound. Allow the sound to be the primary focus of your attention, and when your mind wanders bring it back to the sound.

The second way to listen would be with your focus of attention on your heart chakra in the center of your chest.

Then listen to it with awareness in your throat chakra.

Next, listen to it with your focus of attention in your Third Eye (Ajna), located between your eyes at the bridge of your nose.

And then, finally, listen to The Aethos Sound Meditation with your attention in your crown chakra at the top of your head.

Feel and sense the differences that arise when you listen to The Aethos Sound Meditation from these various chakras. Most of you will find that it feels more natural to listen to The Aethos Sound Meditation with your focus of attention in one of your chakras. This chakra is the focus we suggest you use when listening, in preparation for the sound meditation that will occur during the upcoming World Meditation.

The Evolutionary Intelligence Test

From our perspective one of the signatures of an evolved consciousness is the recognition of interconnectedness. This recognition is an evolutionary intelligence test and your species is in the middle of it. Humanity cannot continue to live, collectively, as it has done—living in the delusion that humans can plunder the Earth with no consequence to the Earth, to its myriad life forms or to humanity itself.

The World Meditation

The goal of the World Meditation is to add a vibrational quality to the emotional atmosphere of your planet.

You have an inherent right to do so because you are embodied in time and space, and because you are living temporarily upon this Earth. As a resident of this planet, you have a right to encourage benevolent outcomes.

The specific purpose of this World Meditation is to accelerate the collective human recognition of interconnectedness and a passage from the miasmas and delusions of humanity’s collective history into a new constellation of cultural beliefs that will serve to unfold humanity’s higher destiny. This will be done through the agency of your imagination—the power of your will and intention—joined with the creative potentials that reside in non-dual states of consciousness.

The date and time of this World Meditation will be November 4th between 3:00 and 4:00 PM PST (Pacific Standard Time). While the meditation will be global, the nexus point of the energetic will be in Seattle, Washington during the final hour of a Hathor Intensive we are calling The Art of Seeding New Realities.

For the duration of this meditation, the Aethos will enter into the space that will be created by those attending the Intensive. And from this nexus point, the Aethos will extend its energetic throughout the world to all those who have chosen to join us in this undertaking (The World Meditation).

It does not matter where on Earth you are physically located. Furthermore, while the formal meditation in Seattle will begin at 3:00 PM and end at 4:00 PM, the energetic generated by the Aethos will continue for twenty-five hours. In other words, the Aethos will continue to emanate its energetic from the 10th dimension to those individuals who have chosen to participate in the World Meditation from November 4th 2012 at 3:00 PM PST to November 5th 2012 at 4:00 PM PST.

You can join the World Meditation anytime during this twenty-five hour period.

In point of fact, you can also enter into this specific meditation whenever you wish to “broadcast” the thought form of interconnectedness to humanity. As you collectively enter the more intensive phases of planetary transformation, those of you attuned to the reality of interconnectedness will “know” when it is propitious to send this thought form to your fellow humans through the agency of this particular meditation.

When undertaking this meditation, it is important to understand that you are not directly affecting the outcome of events, but rather you are “broadcasting” a benevolent thought form to the human collective. What individual humans choose to do, or not do, in relation to the realization of interconnectedness, however, is in the sovereign providence of each individual.

Furthermore, the Aethos does not and is, in fact, incapable of intervening into human consciousness. A human person must choose to enter into a vibratory alignment with the Aethos. In other words, the Aethos does not take actions. It simply emanates its nature, which is non-dual consciousness.

The Actual Meditation

During the meditation we suggest you begin by listening to The Aethos Sound Meditation for thirty minutes. During this phase, your focus of attention is in your heart chakra unless you intuitively sense that it would be better for you to place your attention in another chakra.

After listening to the Aethos Sound Meditation, simply be in silence with your awareness in your heart chakra (or another chakra you have chosen to work with). After a minute or so of focusing in your chosen chakra, imagine that some part of you (i.e. your KA or “etheric double”) rises above you wherever you are physically located on the Earth. Imagine and sense that this second you, which looks exactly like the physical you, floats to a position sixty miles above the planet, where you join hands with others all across the Earth who have joined in the meditation.

This joining of hands is a symbolic representation of the thought form we are calling “interconnectedness.” This is the recognition and the acknowledgement that all humanity is interconnected and that this interconnectedness exists simultaneously along side the unique differences of all individuals

The one you may be joining hands with could very well live in a far distant area of the Earth from you. He or she may have a different view of reality. He or she may follow a different religion than you or follow no religion at all. The person you are holding hands with may be facing challenges very different than those you are facing, due to his or her location on the Earth and the culture he or she must conform to. And yet in spite of all these differences you are interconnected.

Joining you in this sea of interconnectedness will be the Devic kingdoms, the spirits of the Earth, the elementals, and the myriad life forms upon your Earth, as well as the Earth herself. For those of you who are aware of multiple dimensions you may very well experience a joining with intergalactic intelligences as well as with cosmic bodies, including the Sun and the Central Sun—the black hole that forms the center of your galaxy.

We realize that some of you reading this are so disheartened by the quality and the state of humanity you may find it difficult, if not impossible, to join hands with fellow humans. If you are one of these persons we suggest you join hands with the nature spirits, and you will, by this action, be adding to the potency of the transformation.

Preparation For The World Meditation

If you choose to join us in the World Meditation, we ask that you begin to work with The Aethos Sound Meditation on a regular basis. The purpose of this preparatory work is so that you become familiar with the states of consciousness produced in you by the Aethos.

If you are dealing with difficult issues in your life, we suggest you listen to The Aethos Sound Meditation at least once a day. This is to assist you to move into a different state of consciousness, and from this perspective your issues will decrease and/or your ability to deal with them will increase.

The net result of this is that you will be elevated, and we need as many elevated individuals as possible to join the World Meditation. Let us put this another way…if you are riddled with personal toxicity, work with The Aethos Sound Meditation every day, first for your own benefit and, secondly, for the world sangha (community).

You are, by the way, welcome to listen to The Aethos Sound Meditation and use it as a personal transformational tool even if you do not plan to join the World Meditation.

The Aethos Sound Meditation: Final Reflections 

It is with pleasure and great expectation that we present to you The Aethos Sound Meditation. We trust that it will bring you a sense of serenity and a greater capacity to deal with the chaotic events of your world.

It is also our expectation that the Aethos will open a path to your own non-duality, and that, as a manifest creator-being, you will bring the two together—the uniqueness of your life and the power of non-duality.

May this union be a boon to you and to all your relations.

The Hathors

September 20, 2012

Razor’s Edge


The ocean’s vast expanse in the brilliance of early morning sun

The horizon cut with a razor into deep blue sky and steel blue ocean

Every blade of beach grass and each driftwood log etched into the sand

Each wave-curl sharp as crystal

There is no looking – only presence of the depth in all shapes cut of light

Do you ever feel you are Light being penetrated by Light these days?

Any ever so slight shadow on the screen of life is felt as pain

I am a razor walking on my own edge in this crispness and clarity

Acceptance is the ultimatum

Once answered “Yes!” the new paradigm is instantaneous and spontaneous

Take off your shoes and socks all protection and step onto the razor’s edge

Like the tightrope walker you were born to be

No fear – only love unconditional

Our only choice!


Krishnamurti: What is Love?

What is love? The word is so loaded and corrupted that I hardly like to use it. Everybody talks of love—every magazine and newspaper and every missionary talks everlastingly of love.

Krishnamurti exploring the essence of love

 . . .

So to go into the question of what love is we must first free it from the encrustation of centuries, put away all ideals and ideologies of what it should or should not be. To divide anything into what should be and what is is the most deceptive way of dealing with life.

Now how am I going to find out what this flame is which we call love—not how to express it to another but what it means in itself? I will first reject what the church, what society, what my parents and friends, what every person and every book, has said about it because I want to find out for myself what it is.

Here is an enormous problem that involves the whole of mankind. There have been a thousand ways of defining it and I myself am caught in some pattern or another according to what I like or enjoy at the moment—so shouldn’t I, in order to understand it, free myself from my own inclinations and prejudices?  I am confused, torn by my own desires, so I say to myself, “First clear up your own confusion. Perhaps you may be able to discover what love is through what it is not.”

. . .

The government says go and kill for the love of your country. Is that love? Religion says give up sex for the love of God. Is that love? Is love desire? Don’t say no. For most of us it is desire with pleasure, the pleasure that is derived through the senses, through sexual attachment and fulfillment.

I am not against sex, but see what is involved in it. What sex gives you momentarily is the total abandonment of yourself, then you are back again with your turmoil, so you want a repetition over and over again of that state in which there is no worry, no problem, no self.

You say you love your wife. In that love is involved sexual pleasure, the pleasure of having someone in the house to look after your children, to cook. You depend on her; she has given you her body, her emotions, her encouragement, a certain feeling of security and well-being. Then she turns away from you; she gets bored or goes off with someone else, and your whole emotional balance is destroyed, and this disturbance, which you don’t like, is called jealousy. There is pain in it, anxiety, hate and violence.  

So what you are really saying is, “As long as you belong to me I love you but the moment you don’t I begin to hate you. As long as I can rely on you to satisfy my demands, sexual and otherwise, I love you, but the moment you cease to supply what I want I don’t like you.” So there is antagonism between you, there is separation, and when you feel separate from another there is no love.

But if you live with your wife without thought creating all these contradictory states, these endless quarrels in yourself, then perhaps—perhaps—you will know what love is. Then you are completely free and so is she, whereas is you depend on her for all your pleasure you are a slave to her. So when one loves there must be freedom, not only from the other but from oneself.

This belonging to another, being psychologically nourished by another, depending on another—in all this there must always be anxiety, fear, jealousy, guilt; and so long as there is fear there is no love; a mind ridden with sorrow will never know what love is; sentimentality and emotionalism have nothing whatsoever to do with love. And so love is not to do with pleasure and desire.

Love is not the product of thought, which is the past. Thought cannot possibly cultivate love. Love is not hedged about and caught in jealousy, for jealousy is of the past. Love is always active, present. It is not “I will love” or “I have loved.” If you know love you will not follow anybody. Love does not obey. When you love there is neither respect not disrespect.

Do you know what it really means to love somebody, to love without hate, without jealousy, without anger, without wanting to interfere with what he is doing or thinking, without condemning, without comparing—don’t you know what it means? Where there is love is there comparison? When you love someone with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your body, with your entire being, is there comparison? When you totally abandon yourself to that love there is not the other.

(excerpt from Freedom from the Known, in Total Freedom: The Essential Krishnamurti, p.126 ff.)

Love Flowering