Living Love: Day 15 – Ego Confusion

Living Love

“Through the concepts of others you have built up so many things around you that you are lost. “You” is decorated and embellished by the concepts of others. Prior to receiving any hearsays from outside, has anyone any information about himself?”


Omnipresent Love’s Tweet for today:

15. I followed my ego and got lost. I followed my heart and came home 

Nisargadatta continues:

“The purpose of the Sat-Guru is to tell you what you are like prior to the building up of all those concepts of others. Your present spiritual storehouse is filled up with the words of others–demolish those concepts. Sat-Guru means the eternal state which will never be changed: what you are. You are that immutable, eternal, unchangeable Absolute. Sat-Guru tells you to get rid of all these walls built around you by the hearsays and concepts of others.

You have no form, no design. The names and forms you see are your consciousness only – the Self is colorless but is able to judge colors, etc.

nisargadatta_maharaj_anthonys viewThe one who is directed by a Sat-Guru has no more birth. Your sadhana is over, you have reached this place.

To you who search for the Self , I explain this type of knowledge, I lead you to a state where there is no hunger, no desire.

When you have knowledge you see the “I” as all-pervasive, as long as the consciousness is there, but the witness of the consciousness has no “I Am,” that is your true eternal nature.” (Nisargadatta, Prior to Consciousness p. 83)

True dispeller of darkness and revealer of light. This can be in the form of another human person or other being or seen and felt only internally.

18 thoughts on “Living Love: Day 15 – Ego Confusion

  1. Pingback: I am At Home in the World | New Earth Heartbeat

  2. Pingback: The Mystical is Most Practical – Nisargadatta | New Earth Heartbeat

  3. Pingback: The Mystical is Most Practical – Nisargadatta | heartflow2013

  4. YES!! I have come to really feel this lately. I’ve even stopped reading because I don’t want to be filled up with the influence of others (and I’m usually a bookworm!)
    Want to know how I have come back to myself? I’ve started drumming – as in Shamanic, First time I’ve explored this area. I cannot state how therapeutic I found it 🙂
    Blessings be.

    • Alia and I went to a drumming group regularly for a while and I agree, it starts something vibrating very deep in our being…some very primal layers are activated. Mine is a djembe ~ I love it! Yes, I’m glad to hear you are enjoying drumming!

      • 😀 wow, that must be amazing, to drum with others!
        I’ve found, too, a mantra that went really well, you’ve probably heard it before:
        “I am a circle within a circle/with no beginning and never ending…”
        I find I repeat this, over and over, it seems such a powerful chant to me… and it went well with the drumming too. More exploration to be done! 🙂
        Blessings be.

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