The Smallest Distinction: opposing dualities create tension

“Make the smallest distinction, however, and heaven and earth are set infinitely apart.”

(Hsin Shin Ming: Verses on the Faith Mind by the 3rd Zen Patriarch, Jianzhi Sengcan; d. 606)

Link to the full text.

From the commentary by Mu Soeng:

Remaining trapped in the world of preferences we are led to an expression of how things should be. When our expectations of how things should be conflicts with how things are, there is dukkha (suffering or dis-ease).

In our likes and dislikes, we want to control things, and in that preference to control things “heaven” and “earth” get separated. In Chinese linguistic usages, “heaven” and “earth” are metaphors for the “higher” (whatever that may be in Chinese understanding) realm and the realm of the mundane, earthly life. For the Chinese, the purpose of existence is to create a harmony between these two realms (even though in reality there is only one realm).



“Heaven” and “earth” are also metaphors for all opposing dualities that create tension, stress, ill-will, for the individual as well as for society at large. In the poem here, “heaven” and “earth” point to certain mind-states: a sense of ease or a sense of dis-ease. When we are at ease, we feel light and free and bouncy; when we are not at ease, we feel heavy, dark and limited. Sometimes we may feel one way and sometimes the other – and our likes and dislikes come into play causing us to grasp onto one and shun the other.

Equanimity provides the sense of ease that becomes available only after likes and dislikes have been brought to a complete rest. Any time we make distinctions based on our addictive preferences, there is a lack of harmony, a lack of balance, a sense of incompleteness in our experience of this moment.

Sengcan says “heaven and earth are set infinitely apart”; in the vernacular of our time and place we might say “something is off.”

“Trust In Mind”, Mu Soeng, p. 79

The Cosmic Rhythms 2012

Dear Friends ~

I find Luis’ portrayal of the cosmic rhythms in connection with the year 2012 very inspiring. He speaks here of December 12, 2012 whereas most other sources speak of December 21, 2012. I have no expertise in this field, so I leave it up to the reader. I do, however, resonate very much with his train of thought.



Written by:

        ~Luis A Garcia~

December 12, 2012

December 12, 2012 is the Mayan date of which our sun complete it rotation around the central sun of our galaxy known as Alcyone. This process takes place every 26,000 years, and it just so happen that the 26,000 year mark is on December 12, 2012. But, what is more significant and deserve more attention is the fact that the Mayan Calendar depicts that the Mayan Calendar actually ends on October 28, 2011. On December 12, 2012  a new cycle of evolution begins. In other words, October 28, 2011 ends the first evolutionary cycle that we have gone through and December 12, 2012 begins a new cycle.

This time frame is about 16 billion years. From October 28, 2011 to December 12, 2012 is like a pause. Think of this pause like this, imagine that you are climbing a mountain, and when you reach the top, before you begin to work your way down the mountain you pause to take a look at the beauty of the world and stretch as you relax and breathe, then you begin to climb back down. During this time frame (between October 28, 2011 and December 12, 2012) the universe will take a pause and begin to prepare to push the reset button on December 12, 2012 to start the other half of our evolutionary cycle which is the other 16 billion years.

Our Earthly evolutionary cycle is a total of 30/32 billion years. When done, then this Earthly project that we are experiencing is complete. Our universe, and us, have reach the midpoint of a 30/32 billion years cycle and that is what December 12, 2012 is all about. December 12, 2012 represent the midpoint of a 30/32 billion year cycle. October of 2011 is a very special October. So, wipe the sweat off your forehead, relax and take a deep breath and realize that we are half way done, and celebrate, but, no hurry, because, we have another 16 billion years to go, so, expect to pay your bills that following January. Another way of understanding the pause (October 28, 2011-December 12, 2012) is to realize that the first 16 billion years cycle was the universe expanding outward which is the exhale breath, male in energy. This exhale breath or outward expansion was about creating the physical universe.

The midpoint which is October 28, 2011 to December 12, 2012 is the space between the inhale and the exhale breath. Then the remaining 16 billion years cycle which is after December 12, 2012 will be the universe expanding inward which is the inhale breath, female in its energy. This inhale breath or internal expansion will be about creating the spiritual development, integrating the physical universe with the spiritual awareness. The space between the inhale and the exhale breath (October 28, 2011 and December 12, 2012)  is the Pause. And so, the universe continues to breathe.

December 12, 2012 Connecting all the Dots

Three represent the number of completion. Three also represents the lower three chakras that governs the evolutionary process of the three-dimensional world. This ending period also reflects the completion of the evolutionary development of the lower three chakras. In other words, the hand of evolution itself has run out of its evolutionary resources in expanding the evolution of the three-dimensional experiences and/or resources and December 12, 2012 represent the end point of this evolution.

We will see this “coming to the end of resources” manifest and reflected in our worldly resources as we come closer in running out of our supply as we can see already, as above so below. Now the world is not going to end exactly on December 12, 2012, in fact the world is not going to end at all; but December 12, 2012 represent the shifting of the gears as evolution take us to the next stage of life. The real estate within the lower three chakras can no longer stretch its evolution, the mathematical and quantifiable mutation of the physical world has run out of its alchemistic mutation; and so a new evolution will begin which start after December 12, 2012, a new evolution called the spiritual root race. This is when the human race becomes aware of its cosmic connection but still staying connected to the earthy realm.

Then the energies of the upper chakras begins to integrate into the lower chakras and it is here that we begin to learn to direct the spiritual energies. This learning process is the other 16 billion years of our evolution that begins on December 12, 2012. In addition to this, as we unlock the knowledge of the upper chakras, we will understand a new energy source to support our life style, but it will take a while for us to get there and really master the sciences. So, prepare yourself to put aside your childish games, your games to control, your games to blame, your games to play it safe, your games of separation, and for the first time in all human experience we will come together for a common cause, as we already see what’s taking place in Egypt, Syria, Libya, and Japan. December 12, 2012 is preparing us. All these worldly events reveals that the soul’s impulse to support each other, is seeking to come out, as we can see the human race is learning to make our unity and support of each other more important than the need to control and remain separate from each other. We can see that it is through chaos that we come together which is to say chaos is not chaos at all, but that it is organized in its education.

Embrace the chaos and turn it into an ally. Furthermore, in terms of our evolution, we have already squeezed and run out of the learning experiences of what it means to be separate from each other, there is nowhere else to go in our evolution but unity, for it is the only thing that we have not practice; this is great news, think of it as saving the best for last. These particular years are known as ‘Moneybags’ – the proverb goes that if you send this to eight Good friends, money will appear in the next four days as is explained in Chinese feng-shui. If you like more information about this process please check out my book Opening the Seven Biblical Seals and the Physics of our Emotions, for my book goes into greater depth, or, sign up to be a part of my mailing lists or subscribe to my newsfeeds and stay tuned for my latest posts. December 12, 2012 is right around the corner; pass the information for I thought this was well worth mentioning and fun to play with. December 12, 2012, here we come.

Written by:

        ~Luis A Garcia~

Luis’ website:

Video: Our Galactic Family is here!

Dear Friends,

Here is the info from InLight Radio on this video:

This video has been produced and released by InLIght Radio for you to share with all your family, friends, neighbours, work colleagues – and the world – to let them know that our Galactic family is here.

For too long, our governments, military leaders, religious leaders and the mainstream media have hidden the truth of our galactic history and the real presence of our star brothers and sisters from us. Not any more! Our Galactic family is here – and has been since the beginning of time, and they come in peace, love and friendship to help us fix our planet and create the world we all deserve – a world of peace, pristine environments, equality on every level (racial, financial, sexual) and, importantly, love.

This video features the InLight Radio on-air team – Graham Dewyea, Steve Beckow, Geoffrey West, Linda Dillon, Dave Schmidt, Sierra Neblina and Stephen Cook – as they share their personal disclosure stories and ask you to share this video with everyone you know via your social media and online resources. We know our Galactic family is here – do you?


You can find out more about InLIght Radio by heading to our radio station site:

Han Shan – Like Bugs Inside a Bowl & You Are Priceless Gems


Our lives circumscribed by dust

we’re like bugs inside a bowl

going in circles all day long

never leaving our bowl

eternal life is beyond our reach

afflictions never end

the months and years flow by

suddenly we’re old men


Han Shan & Shih Te

Han Shan and Shih Te

All of you are priceless gems

aboard a rotting ship at sea

in front the mast is gone

in back there is no rudder

heading wherever the wind may blow

moving with the waves

how will you reach shore

don’t just sit there stiff

— Han Shan

The Hermit from Cold Mountain

Poem: Five Sparrows

Five Sparrows

sitting round the feeder

like round the breakfast table

peaceful and calm

just picking the grain

and smiling


look around feel the breeze warm the sun

and pick…pick…pick…

feathered friends living simply

lets do the same

Happy Bird

Happy Bird



Sunny Sparrow

Sunny Sparrow

What is it that governs your life? Destiny or Free Will?

I thank Mrprose of  the blog “Deep Thinking”

who asked me this question:

“What is it that governs your life?”

That, for me, is the real question, deeper than looking at the dichotomy of free will/destiny. As I explore my consciousness more deeply, I find that it is a false dichotomy that we have been presented with and which has kept us from inquiring more deeply –

What is this really all about? What is existence? Who or what am I really?

If I am looking at the whole thing from the perspective of an individual, then all these questions come up: Can I do what I want? Am I at the mercy of circumstance? Did I agree on some level to what my life is giving me?

Seeing myself as an individual I will find some answers that may satisfy me. For example I may see that I cannot choose whom I will meet in the supermarket when I go to do my shopping, but I can choose how I will meet that person. Will I be reactive or will I extend to that person the deepest understanding that I am capable of at that moment, the deepest heart to heart connection? That surely is within my power and my control and that is my desire, my will. Or is it? How often have I “failed” at that task.

It seems that something more mysterious is at work, something quite non-linear that the dichotomy free will/destiny cannot capture at all.

If I want to follow Ramana’s suggestion, and put it to the test:

“They that know the Source of destiny and free-will are free from both.”

I then must begin the quest for the Source of both destiny and free-will in order to understand both and see each of their respective places in the patterns of life. Then I will be free from both – says Ramana.  Verse 19

His statement leads me to enquire as to the Source of my own consciousness, since destiny and free-will are elements of how I interpret and perceive my life and my world, in my consciousness.

Another sage, in the same vein as Ramana, is Nisargadatta, who says this:

“The only way to understand this mystery is to realize your identity with the universal consciousness, which is expressed in total space.

So long as you identify yourself with the human form it is impossible for the mystery to be solved.”

That is where I am at present. This challenge requires that I let go of all the concepts that were passed down to me from previous generations and to see what it is that I can really know about myself, about my consciousness, that is not dependent on any concept or construct of consciousness. What can I know directly? How do I realize my identity with universal consciousness? Can I even perceive universal consciousness, as nothing can be outside of it in order to “see” it as an object of perception.  At this point the recommendation is for me to just be universal consciousness, and not attempt to know it, like I would know an object, as that is not possible.

“…which is expressed in total space.” another pointer for me to follow, another clue. Be the total space, recognize and realize that my identity (I am identical with) is actually universal consciousness expressed as total space.

In my experience, following this exploration of consciousness deeper and deeper, I begin to get a sense of what it is that governs my life: it is not something that can be stated in a few words or even volumes. It is something that I might give the title “The Absolute”, or “Universal Consciousness”, but these words are not more than pointers. I must immerse myself into the direction they point me and then I come upon a “knowing” that is not of the mind.

The statement of Krishnamurti, if it can be fathomed, also shows this quality:

“You move in the space you create as you move.”

Riddles upon riddles…

Telepathic Message: Pleiadian Perceptions on Ascension – Spontaneous Awakening

Here is the second part of Mytre speaking to Earth people about the ascension process. I find many points in this short essay very revealing. The bottom line: “follow the flow of unconditional love”  is where this depiction of where many of us are in our development, meets up with the teaching of all ancient and modern sages from all traditions as well as those free of every tradition (my favorites). Enjoy!

(ps: if your are interested in more of Mytre’s essays through Suzanne Lie, here is the next part, and at the bottom of her blog you can then click on “newer post” to get to the next installment:

and here is her  “Home” page


Mytre: Spontaneous Awakening


Mytre Continues:

At this point in your Personal/Planetary Ascension Process, more and more of you are having Spontaneous Awakenings. These awakenings often occur after a long bout of depression, anxiety, illness or “bad luck.”

These awakenings occur because the multidimensional light bombarding your planet is so intense that the light quotient of humanity is raising to Critical Mass. Light quotient is not the same as the majority of people.

At this point, the majority of humans are still struggling through the third/fourth dimension. However, the light of the awakened ones is so intense that it over-shines the darkness of those who are lost in the briar patch of third dimensional turmoil. In fact, an awakened person holds ten times more light than their un-awakened companions.

The differences between the two expressions of human consciousness create chaotic energy fields because the juxtaposition between the third/fourth and fifth dimensional parallel realities is causing a paradigm shift in your world. It was the same in my world when we entered this phase of Ascension.

You, the awakening ones can no longer hide in your illusions. Thus, you must enter into the chaos of the many changes that are occurring within the NOW of your reality. It is the shift from the perceived safety of a familiar and apparently ordered world that is causing the Spontaneous Awakening.

The lies that you have been told, and that you have told your self to make life “good enough” no longer work to hide your disillusionment. The “things” you buy do not give you the same pleasure, those important people you befriended are no longer interesting, that job that made you so much prestige has become a hollow victory, and the money you worked so hard to make is gone before you can enjoy it. “What is this all about?” you ponder.

What you may not know is that your higher expression of SELF is overlooking you and waiting for this very opportunity to jar your comfortable denial. Your Multidimensional SELF gives you dreams, ideas, opportunities for change and constantly speaks to you in the back of your mind.

“What is that nagging voice?” you ask. “My life is JUST FINE,” you say, a little too loud. But as much as you push away the growing wave of transformation, the chaos of change expands more and more until you are overwhelmed. But, what are you overwhelmed with? You do not know. You cannot understand. Your life is just as it has been when you thought it was great. Why are you suddenly so miserable?

It is the Light. The higher frequencies of light are erasing the third dimensional indoctrinations and replacing them with the Multidimensional Operating System. With the download of the new operating system, your biological computer brain can no longer compute information in the same logical, sequential manner. Many multidimensional messages are swirling through your brain and altering your neurological circuitry. These surges of high frequency light are creating sudden crashes of old mental computations.

“Am I losing my mind?” you wonder. No, you are just uploading a new mental system, and right now you are in-between the old system of computation and the new system of Flowing with the Light. The many sequential details that have filled your brain are at right angles to the circular flow of the Light Language embedded into the higher frequency light.

Some of you know that you are awakening, and some of you have been awakened for a while. It is these awakened ones who need to connect with each other and with the newly awakening ones. In this manner, the awakened ones can learn to be fifth dimensional leaders and the newly awakenings ones can gain the assistance of those who have completed the process that they have just begun.

With a core group of humanity openly saying there is a reason for what is happening, the fear of mental breakdown is replaced with a hunger for change. It is at this point that your spiritual awakening begins, for fear has left that threshold. Many people may scoff at you, but once you have gone through your cycle of resistance, you begin to feel the unconditional love that is so much stronger than external judgment.

You remember now that there is important work to be done. You are here to assist your planet, which you can only understand once you have released your addiction to the third dimensional illusions. Through the thinning veil of illusion you can perceive and begin to enter the new paradigm of reality. In the third dimensional paradigm, REAL was comprised of third/fourth dimensional molecules organized into a physical form.

You knew this form was real because it offered resistance to your touch. You could see it with your physical eyes and hear it with your physical ears. This form had hard edges and familiar angles. However, your new mental operating system perceives energy patterns that feel alive to you. You do not know what these energies are, but you have a feeling that they are another reality, a life form or, maybe, a Higher Being.

Your “feelings” are changing right along with your thoughts. “Feeling” used to be emotions or your sense of touch. Now your feelings are similar to a new kind of perception that you experience through your mind. Furthermore, you now realize that your mind is not just in your body. In fact, both your thinking and your emotions seem to be emanating from above you. This above is not above in space, but above in frequency.

Those of you who have been awakened long enough to become familiar with your new version of SELF are hearing a call to put all that you know to use. You are tired of keeping quiet so “they” won’t judge you. You want to talk about what is happening in your body and in your life. You want to share your new world with other people who are experiencing the same thing.

In other words, now that your Multidimensional Operating System is fully integrated into your third/fourth dimensional brain, heart and body, you KNOW you cannot go back. You don’t know exactly where you are going, but you WILL find out. Unfortunately, you are not sure how you will find out because you are still “in-between” who you were and who you are becoming.

However, your ever-expanding Unity Consciousness is telling you that you are connected to everything and everyone. You are connected to the Planet, as well. In fact, you ARE the Planet. It is the realization that you are the Planet that allows you to remember that you are also the Higher Beings that you are hearing, seeing, touching and following into the unknown.

You don’t know where you are going, but you have remembered to follow the feel of unconditional love. How did you get from the frightened, disillusioned one to following the Flow of unconditional love? You don’t remember, and you are not looking back to find out.

Congratulation dear Earth Friends. You are ascending NOW!


Ashtar Command