Signs of Disintegration Can Be Seen Everywhere

A great post by John Smallman! His words speak from my Heart ~ ♥

Jesus through John

Humanity’s path through the illusion has been long and arduous, but the end is approaching and the brilliant Light of God’s divine Reality is waking you up into your natural state of full consciousness.  In that state your awareness is unclouded by emotions, tiredness, or fearful beliefs, and you see, know, and understand the wonder of what you are: divine and eternal beings, permanently at one with God.  You have never departed from that state of oneness with Him because there is nowhere else that you could possibly be.  However, you have imagined a state other than that, which, like an intense and horrific nightmare, has seemed very real indeed while you have been experiencing it.

You have no need to remain any longer in that unnatural and unreal environment, and in fact you are now in the very dynamic process of removing yourselves from it by allowing and encouraging…

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