
Home is where I belong. Can I really be somewhere I don’t belong? Absolute beingness is one way I hold the Sanskrit syllable ‘sat’.  It cannot go anywhere because it includes all that I can perceive, imagine, sense or think of.

“From our perception of the world there follows acceptance of a unique First Principle possessing various powers. Pictures of name and form, the person who sees and the screen on which he sees, the light by which he sees: he himself is all of these.”(Ramana)

Listening to these words I let myself follow the spirit of the words. I ask myself if I can really find any separation between any of these elements. My home as a child imbued me with the sense of me as an entity separate from my surroundings. At age eighteen psychedelic substances gave me experiences that pretty much fit Ramana’s above description. Home in those states of consciousness was always where I was – just as every moment was experienced as now.

I see Home as the state of consciousness that embeds me into the fabric of Existence and in which I experience myself as whole, at rest and fulfilled. I know on that deeper level before the mind that I can never lose my Home, my primordial, natural state. In the 44 years since those first wholeness experiences it has been my passion and my motor to understand (or better ‘innerstand’) the way consciousness works so that I am able to let go of all that distracts me from my pristine natural state as That.

17 thoughts on “Home

    • Thank you! What a gift to communicate with the orbs as you do! Yes, we are living in a Universe that loves Love most of all! Once that becomes more popular our world will be transformed – and it is happening now!

    • Thank you, Dear Ganesh, for your kind words! I also congratulate you on your award which you well deserve! I have decided not to accept awards, although I deeply honor the intent behind them. My inner priorities are, however, calling me to “cut corners” in order to be where I am called to be. Thank you again! with Much Love, Tomas

    • Thank you, Dear Twixietops! I am very honored by this nomination! I have decided not to accept awards at this time although I feel the beautiful intent behind them. Best wishes for you and yours this Christmas and New Year – Tomas

  1. Thank you for sharing, I used to be really intense into yoga, like to get back to it sometime, and I found that when I did it, especially after running, it brought about the most incredible, peaceful and natural high. Best thing a person can do for the body, mind, spirit, and overall well-being.

    • Thank you, Dear Sheri! I love the absolutely angelic spirit with which you have infused your blog! I congratulate you on this award! Thank you for nominating me for this award – I do not accept awards simply as I choose to use the narrow time windows I have on some inner priorities. I deeply appreciate my nomination as a sign of my blogging being on the right track ~ warm regards, Tomas

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