A Rip in the Fabric of the Old Paradigm

We are on our way to Morocco to join with friends from the One People (aka Lisa Harrison, Bob Wright, Brian Kelly et al) in forming the conscious community Aouchtam. This group of people consists of individuals who have focused their attention on sovereignty for at least the past year, and many for much longer. I, for example, have been exploring consciousness and how it functions for the better part of four decades. My passion in this exploration has been to eliminate everything that stands between me and the ground of being. I have now come to the point in this exploration where the community in Morocco emerges as the next energy scenario in which to deepen my realization. Continue reading

Morocco Bound – Getting Out of “Dodge” with Integrity

Dear Friends,

The post below was written by my dear life’s companion, Alia, with my marginal input. It portrays one aspect of our transition in the major shift in our lives.
duplex front door  What does it mean to “do complete work,” “see the task through to completion”, “complete a project with integrity?”

These are precepts that I have been working with and assimilating for 20 years. During our month-long process of completing (read “deconstructing”) our life in Gold Beach in order to board the plane for Morocco, Tomas and I received many beautiful reflections of our ability to complete things with integrity. Continue reading