Accept All Changes

To accept all changes means to contemplate ‘what is’ – as Krishnamurti puts it: you cannot argue with ‘what is’. This perspective asks me to drop all my preconceived notions and desires for how my life should be, and to look the reality of the present moment in the face. Acceptance of what I see includes opening up to it, actually embracing it in the knowing  that it is an expression of Existence itself and that this is a truly benevolent force that recognizes Itself in me, wanting only to give me what I ask for in every moment.

2 thoughts on “Accept All Changes

  1. Indeed acceptance is the first step to change and subsequent growth of “self”. Like Krishnamurti, your writing serves to connect all people from the heart. That is invaluable and very precious to me, so on behalf of all reader of the blogosphere, we thank you immensely Tomas! Life continues to be a wondrous mystery, and I know you will never stop learning and sharing. Have a blessed day. 😀

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