

I must say: “Today I don’t know.”

All deep understanding leaves me without a clue.

Around me the world and… I don’t know.

Helpless to find a hold, I flounder.

What makes sense, common sense, no sense?

I don’t know.

I feel the waves crashing over me,

washing me astray – I am at their mercy.

What is it?

Where I don’t know is where I want to go –

now I am there – where?

It’s uncomfortable, but here I am – where knowing ends.

It’s a bit like dying: I can’t make sense of it.

The pea brain has finally come to its end:

beyond this point “I don’t know.”

Strange, and yet –

there is no doubt about it: that is

where I am.


(written on September 3, 2012 in the midst of a strong geomagnetic solar storm caused by a Class C CME – coronal mass ejection)

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